Event Day

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During the performance, you noticed that the members were worn out and you weren't surprise by it because you knew how hard they work to please the fans.

You were going to smile at Jimin when the two of you made eye contact but things didn't go your way. Jimin's eyes locked with yours for a few seconds before he turned and looked away. Your heart ached even more at that small gesture. Nevertheless, you never failed to fake a smile, even though he wasn't look at you.

Walking into their room, you saw that the members were getting fanned and they were drinking water as well as wiping the sweat from their faces.

"Y/N!" Hoseok grinned, despite being extremely exhausted. They still had three more songs to perform.

"Don't overwork yourself," you said, laughing as you handed him a cold bottle that you were meant to give Jimin. Hoseok, like Jimin, also works very hard. Although all members do, you have seen and witnessed Jimin and Hoseok practicing until dawn. You were worried about him too.

Hoseok took the bottle from you, "Thanks. Jimin is in the dressing room if you're looking for him."

You nodded.

"How were we tonight?" Suga asked. "We're really cool, right?"

You laughed. "Always, Yoongi oppa."

He smirked.

You greeted the staff members before walking into the dressing room. You walked in and saw that Jimin was sitting down, leaning his body against the wall, head tilted towards the ceiling and eyes closed. Exhaustion outlined his beautiful features. You were so lost in him that you almost forgot why you were there to see him.

Your eyes went to the clock and you saw that it has only been two hours. They still have an hour and a half left before the event was over. Then, they were flying overseas for their five-day concert in Japan and a few more days for interviews.

Clearing your head, you made your way towards Jimin. When he sensed someone nearing him, Jimin opened one of his eyes at you.

You didn't know if he wanted to see you or not, but you smiled weakly down at him anyways.

He closed his eyes and shifted into a more comfortable position.

Hurt, but determined to show him that you care, you leaned down and rested both hands on the side of his body before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. When you pulled back, you saw that both his eyes were opened and trained on you. You only hope that you didn't see  disgust in his eyes.

"Get heaps of rest and don't overwork yourself," you said quietly without looking at him before straightening yourself and pulling further away from him. You turned to leave.

"Are you leaving now?" came his low voice.

Forcing yourself to look back at him, you forced another smile and nodded. "I have loads of work to get done. I won't be able to see you off tomorrow too."

It was a lie. You would have made the time for him, but you knew that being in his face too much was not something he'll smile at. Besides, the past few weeks proved it. Jimin doesn't see it as love, it sees it as a bothersome. A pain. 

His eyes narrowed but he said nothing before leaning back against the wall and shutting his eyes once more.

Fighting the tears, you walked out of the room and bumped into one of the stylists of the group.

"You're leaving?" Mari's eyes widened in shock.

You handed her the icepack that you had forgotten to give Jimin. "Yeah. I have loads of work to get done."

"Why don't you give this to Jimin yourself?"

"Ah, I saw him before," you reassured her. "He looked so tired that I didn't want to annoy him and let him rest. He has less than ten minutes before he's back on the stage."

She gave you a questioning look, like she didn't believe you.

"I saw him rubbing his neck before," you explained. "I told him to rest so make sure he actually rests. Jimin is very bratty when it comes to his health."

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