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"It was a spur of the moment."

That is how I started this.
On 14 February 2017, I was reading some random werewolf book on Wattpad.
No book I read by then had a female Alpha and it irked me.
The few books which had female Alphas showed that they were still weak when compared and always hiding behind the strength of their mate.

I wanted to write different. And this idea popped just then in my mind. I remember lying down on my bed reading a book one second and next second, I sat up, closed the Wattpad app and started writing a chapter.
I wrote the first chapter that day. And published it by evening.

I had no idea what I'm doing just that I had to write about a Female powerful Alpha.

It was when I started receiving reads and comments on my book, I stopped and decided that I'm gonna think this through and then continue.

That's the biggest reason why the starting chapters are so boring and carelessly written. I apologise for it.

But believe me the second I decided to write this, was the best moment for me.

A month later Myth-Mimi commented on my wall asking if I need an editor.
Well I'll tell you, she's the best editor ever.
You won't find anyone who would read your book with such enthusiasm.
Then will Praise you. Help you. And motivate you at your low.
She'll point out my mistakes and encourage me with my plot.
She'll remind me how good my book is even if I feel otherwise and Not to forget help me when I had a writer's block with her creative suggestions.
She's tell me where I need to fill in more or add more details or if the chapter is efficient enough to update.
I'm hoping you start writing soon the book you always wanted to write. I'll be waiting to read your book!

And, On March 6 (I'm amazed that I remember the date) I found another post on my wall. A random girl telling me how good I'm doing with my book.
Who knew we'll bond so well then. Kat-Nova
Catherine has been a constant from a long time now. She knows about the chapters even before I publish it because of course I discuss it with her. She motivates me to write and damn she's a very talented writer (if you don't already know it!). If you haven't read her books.. are you living under a rock? Go ahead check her profile. You won't be dissapointed at all. I guarantee you.
She is also the one who made the cover for my book. So yeah she's a very talented person and a very kind soul.

Moving on to my dear readers who's  comments and votes on my chapters helped ne finish this book. You people are Gem.
I would have given up on this book very before if You guys wouldn't have given your time to my book and commented from time to time telling me about my book and how much you like it.

I have so many readers but I'd like to thank these guys specially who have always been here and supported me throughout the book. They are tagged in no order and I'm equally grateful to all of you and every of my reader even though you are not mentioned here.


I specially want to thank you people for all the comments and votes and all of my silent readers who are not mentioned here.

I'm grateful for your support and love and time and thankyou so much for being here with me throughout this journey.

- Cera❤

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