#26 The Story Behind Ava's Life.

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Guys, I'm really really like really very nervous about this chapter. Don't forget to Tell me your views!

Next day in Elias's Pack:

"Stop thinking about it Ava. I think she is just bluffing. Please don't spoil your mood."Elias says slowly holding my hand and tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I still feel like there is some history between Keeva and Me" I say looking at him as he holds my face in his palms.

"It doesn't matter we are going to know everything in few minutes" he argues softly and I nod.

"Come on let's go."

"Elias what do you know about the Sacred moon?" I ask curiously and he looks up and I can tell he is thinking about it and then he turns to me.

"All I know is it's a myth; a story that my mother once told me when I was young. She told me something about the Moon Goddess spirit who comes on Earth on the day of Sacred Moon to survey or something. More like to inspect the world down here." he explains and waves his hand showing his disinterest but a whirlwind of questions runs in my mind.

"Alpha, Mellissa is here, she says that there's something important about your mate that she has to discuss with you" Beta Eric informs and Elias nods dismissing him.

"Who is Mellissa?"I I question.

"Ugh... Not again. The witch, you remember her right?"He asks looking at me and I roll my eyes.

"How can I forget the bi- I mean the witch?" I reply curtly and his expression hardens. I quickly correct myself" I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you."

"No it's not that. It's just that within 24hours of time there are two people now who have something against you or about you. I'm literally dying of curiosity here. Come on let's see what she have to say."

I simply nod at him and we both walk towards his office where Keeva and Mellissa are both glaring at each other and whispering about something.

"You two know each other?" Beta Eric questions and Keeva jumps back on her seat placing her hand on her chest. "Oh no, we are just mere acquaintances" she says nodding and Mellissa nods with her.

I eye both of them suspiciously but give up for now. We have another thing to discuss.

"So..? What is it?" Elias questions and sits back on his chair while I settle down on a couch with Eric beside me and Gamma Shawn standing at the threshold of the door with few guards.

Mellissa sighs loudly and gives a side glance to Keeva before speaking. "We both are here for the same reason. So I'll tell you the story and she'll explain you the history".

Elias nods and looks at me before returning his attention back to Mellissa.

"The Sacred Moon isn't just a myth. It is the day when the Moon Goddess gives up her immortality and wanders on earth in her spirit form. It happens once in every twenty years and it lasts only for fifteen minutes. On this day the moon turns into a red color with a tint of blue around it. That marks the beginning of the period of The Sacred Moon and ends when the whole moon turns blue and then changes back into its normal state. And you know the Sacred Moon is coming exactly after two weeks."

"But what has it to do with my mate?" Elias questions and I nod in agreement.

"Everything" Keeva replies and then turns to look at me.

The True AlphaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora