#49 The Countdown- Day Two (Part I)

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Regina was asked to share her room with Dia to which she happily complied. I will go as far and say that she was happy about it.

Xander looked angry and Rikon as calm as he is always, whereas Elias was in my office working on our attack strategies and deep in thought.

Elias is a very hard working man and he flawlessly handles his pack and now he is in charge of four pack's safety too.

I find my way towards the living room where Regina and Dia were talking about some television show that I have no interest in. Regina didn't strike me as the type to watch shows and gossip about them. But oh well, I can't judge person as good as Kael.

That reminds me, Kael and Lillian finally created a version of antidote that is yet to be tested on one of us. And I sigh in relief as I see Nick finally getting better, only if James could heal that fast too.

I feel more and more tired as the day passes by as if my own energy is being sucked away but I decide to keep this to myself. Elias is already pressurized by his work and my pack mates are busy safeguarding the pack, I don't want to add more to their problems.

Finally I sigh and plop down beside Dia. She halts and smiles at me before going back on her conversation.

This is the first time I had chance to sit and relax and I want to make the most out of it.

"So Regina..." I start and wait for her to pay her attention solely to me "... you told me about a group of females you are training, the other day?" I pause and she nods looking skeptical.

"You think they can help us if they are trained now? Maybe you can show your father how good of a fighter females in his pack can be if he allows them?" I have an ulterior motive behind this but I won't say that, though judging from her expression she is actually thinking about my personal motive behind bringing this topic.

"They can... if you want" she simply says and nods.

That's it. End of the conversation. Regina is too closed off and speaks very less. Just like Rikon. Both of them talk only when required in a very measured way.

As if they contemplate each word before they utter them. If I didn't have my doubts on Regina, I would have said that she is a very strong fighter with her measured words and skills.

"Cara" a breathless voice calls me and I turn to see Kael walking towards me. From the time Lillian has been here, he had almost never left her side and this is the first time I am seeing him today.

"Are you Okay?" I ask as I stand up and Dia and Regina both get up copying my actions.

"I am but I have something for you" he mentions and eyes Regina and Dia. He frowns and looks at Dia before shaking his head and looking back at me.

"What is it?" I ask walking to him and right at that moment Ron walks inside the pack house and stands beside Kael. Both of them share a look, an understanding passes between them before Ron nods at Kael.

"Can you ask Elias and Xander to be here?" Kael orders Ron and to my surprise Ron nods and leaves.

When did he start taking orders from Kael?

"What have you found Kael?"

"Are you sure you want me to talk in front of them?" Kael points out at Regina and Dia and I look back at them.

"I think it will be best if we can go to room and discuss. I don't wish to take any chances." I explain myself as Dia nods and leaves but Regina stays right at her place, staring sternly at Kael.

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