#6 The Fight For Right.

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“Alpha we have been waiting for you.” Beta Ron greets me as I enter my pack territory. 

I nod my mood hasn't been lifted off after my last night's spitfire round. 

We must have been the only mates who fought on the second day after they met. For God's sake, we need to filter our minds before we have another conversation. And no not that type of filter. I mean, just remove the negatives from our mind.

Today morning was dull and everyone could feel the tension thick in the air. I regret my actions. I really do. I shouldn't have lost my temper that easily, and usually I am not such a bitch but something about the conversation made me cranky. After breakfast my mate, slu... Stella, Mischa, Gamma Wilson and two pack warriors came with me to join the fight hmmm… actually to be spectators. 

I was not amazed that Stella came with us after all she is the future Luna. Before we left my mate returned back to his cold and aloof side and told everyone that there are no changes since I don't want to be the Luna not that he was going to make me.
But that did make my heart sink and that feeling is still inside me. But when I am in my pack I am not me, I am their commander and I need to think about them before me. 

“We have prepared everything Alpha. The number of your rivals has decreased for now there are only three, including the juvenile. I have tried to explain him but he doesn't want to listen.” Ron explains as I nod stiffly. 

We reach to the ground as my mate and his fellow members settle on the platform, I stand there and address the crowd. Everyone in my pack bows to Elias first as commanded and then at me.

“I am Avaline Lina Norris the commanding officer of this pack." I pause and look around at everyone to gauge their emotions.

"I have never demanded any special treatment from you nor wanted you all to call me Alpha. For I think I am no Alpha I am just a person who has taken up the responsibility to protect you all.
For me, all of you are equals. None of you are higher or lower ranking wolves for me, well except Ron and Nick as they are our Beta and Gamma. They deserve their title because they have been working hard all the time to protect us all.” I stop and everyone turn towards Ron and Nick, some nodding and others mumbling 'yes'. I look around at everyone maintaining eye contact with the crowd. 

“As I said, I never claimed to be your Alpha. I don't demand power or wealth. All I ask is for your support and your respect. As the commander to this pack I demand respect from all of you not as your Alpha. Alpha's are for packs we are rogues who are civilized and are better in many aspects. We aren't ashamed of ourselves. Even after this, some of you think I am not worthy of being your commander. I ask them to step forward and prove yourselves. If you manage to defeat me, you are free to be the next commander or Alpha.” I finish and wait for the members to step forward. Three men stepped forward and I instantly recognized all of them. Well not three men let me rephrase, two men and a juvenile Alex. 

“Alex I am not sure why you want to do this, but I am ready to forgive you and you can step back” I command as I watch him judging me then I realize who he is. Now I understand why he wants to fight me. He shakes his head openly glaring at me.

“Alright, who wants to go first?” I ask as I walk down towards the arena ready for the fight. Alex, the juvenile comes forward firstly.

“Alex it's your last warning step back” he doesn't budge and shifts quickly. 

I stand in my spot stiffly I don't want to hurt him, but he leaves me no other choice. I don't shift and decide to fight in my human form.

He growls and he lunges at me at the same time I just step aside and he falls on the ground. He quickly gets up and brings out his claws and leaps towards me. Just the moment he was about to reach to me I step aside and quickly jump up and sit on his back applying a little pressure on his neck and he falls face first in the ground.

He grunts and shakes his head trying to throw me off but I keep applying pressure on his neck and he slows down for a minute.

Using this I apply pressure on his pressure point on his neck and he falls down on the ground unconscious. I quickly slide off his back and step back as he shifts back in his human form still unconscious.

That was easy.

One of my men comes and picks him off the ground and takes him away. I release a sigh of relief that went well at least he didn't get hurt. 

Suddenly I feel a burning sensation in my hand and I move the cloth on my elbow and look at my birth mark. It's itching and burning. It had never happened before. But I have another important matter to concentrate right now. 

Alex left unconscious from the arena I don't want to kill either of the other two too but let's see what happens.

The two comes forth together to take me down. This time it was a match of life or death either I win and kill them or one of them wins and kills me as easy as it sounds. 

I shift quickly as they two shift together. They take a round around me growling lowly as if trying to judge my moves. They both stop circling as one of them settles on my left and other on right. They both leap together in the air at me on the same time. I give a wolfish grin as I just step ahead and they both clash together and fall on the ground groaning. 

Oh how badly I wanted to try this move. It reminds me of a movie scene.

‘Idiots’ Lina smirks. 

Now one of them runs towards me as the other one jump on me. They both attack together. I too run towards the wolf in front of me pulling out my claws ripping the skin of the wolf at his chest. I was careful to only rip his skin and not his heart.
The wolf growls in agony and I use that time to place my claw in other wolf and throw him off me. The other wolf rolls in air and is thrown far away and hits the tree directly in his head. He grunts and that's all I listen from him before he stops moving; one down one more to go. 

The wolf in front of me circles me and this time he dodges my claw and manages to lightly scrap the skin off my back. I push him back as he tries to jump on me. He gets the opportunity to jump on me and in the exact moment I step aside using my natural speed and manage to bite off his ear drawing blood as the wolf growls. 

I step back quickly using this and leap forward placing my forelimb between his and I loop my limb and a satisfying crack sound follows. The moment he took to overcome the pain I reach towards his hind limb twisting it and a crunch sound follows.

This time the wolf howls and falls on his left side. I jump on him and place my canines on his neck and then stop. I don't want to kill anyone. Exactly at that moment he bows down and shows his neck in submission. I fall off him as I growl towards the crowd challenging anyone else who wants to question my authority. 

Satisfied, I shift back in my human form and stand there in all my naked glory. Two of my pack maids comes forth and slip a robe on my bare shoulder. I tie the robe in front cutting everyone's view of my nether region.

I turn towards the platform to find my mate's darken eyes looking at me with so much pride, admiration and lust.
I almost shy away but manage my straight face. Mischa smiles and cheers for me as Stella gives me a sour face not that I care about her. There is a look of admiration and respect on the face of Elias’s pack warriors. 

I step back and stand straight and everyone in the crowd bows down together reflecting the power I have over them. I am not a naturally born Alpha, I have achieved my position thus everyone respects me. 

I walk towards the wolf that I have injured and go on my knees and place my hand on his limbs healing him. 

“Shift” I command as he shifts to his human form. Two men come forward and help him to stand. I have already healed his bones so he is able to stand. Then I walk towards the other wolf and heal him too as he shifts and stands on his feet. Both of their head hang low in shame. 

I walk towards the platform and the three rebels are bought in front of me so I can give them my judgment and decide their punishment.

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