Start from the beginning

"Merlin's bread!" Slughorn exclaimed, "Is than an actual Acromantula?"

"A dead one, I think, sir," Harry stared curiously at the creature.

Aubrey picked up a stick that laid near her foot. She poked the spider cautiously, just in case the spider moved surprisingly. "I have poked it with a stick. It's dead," the witch cheekily mentioned.

Harry smiled at her, grabbing her hand, intertwining their fingers together. Aubrey was shocked at how confident Harry was. Harry is awkward, and very social awkward. She liked drunk on luck Harry Potter.

"Hagrid..." Professor Slughorn trailed off, "The last thing I wish to be is indelicate, but Acromantula venom is uncommonly rare. Would you allow me to extract a viral or two, purely for academic purposes, you understand?"

"Well, I don't suppose it's gonna do him much good now, is it?" Hagid cried into his sleeve.

"Would you like me to say a few words?" Slughorn kindly suggested, as Hagrid nodded soundly.

"Farewall, Argog. King of the arachnids. Your body decays...but your spirit lingers on, and your human friends find solace, and loss they have sustained," Slughorn sincerely spoke.

Slughorn and Hagrid walked in the hut, as Harry and Aubrey followed behind in suit. She scrunched her face in fear, pushing her body closer to the side of Harry, until they both got into the hut. They sat in chairs next to each other, and Slughorn and Hagrid drank at the table.

Hagrid had began telling the story of how he got Argog, as the two professors began to sing drunkily. Harry giddily swayed back and forth to the off-key singing, as Aubrey watched in horror. Hagrid's head drooped down to the table, instantly falling fast asleep, snores erupting through his mouth. The topic of conversation grew more deep and dark. Lily Evans, Harry's mother, had given Slughorn a fish named Franics. And one day the fish vanished; the day Lily died from Voldemort.

"I know why you're here. But I can't help you. It would ruin me," Slughorn sadly expressed.

"Do you know why I survived, professor? The night I got this?" Harry rhetorically asked, pointing to his infamous lightning shaped scar. "Because of her, because she sacrificed herself...because she refused to step aside. Because her love was more powerful than Voldemort."

"Don't say the name," Slughorn clenched his eyes.

"I'm not afraid of the name, professor," Harry persisted.

"Professor, please don't take this personally-you know what go ahead, I don't care. It's a name. People who are afraid to say His name, are cowards. Harry's parents and mine parents were murdered because of Voldemort. And I want him finished, gone. And only Harry can do that," Aubrey determinedly insisted, her arms crossed at her chest. She took notice of Harry staring at her with admiration and a glint of wonder. Aubrey bit down on her lip, smiling to herself, staring down at the floor.

"I'm going to tell you something. Something others have only guessed at. It's true. I am the Chosen One. Only I can destroy him, but in order to do so, I need to know what Tom Riddle asked you all those years ago in your office and I need to know what you told him. Be brave, professor. Be brave like my mother. Otherwise, you disgrace her. Otherwise, she died for nothing. Otherwise, the bowl will remain empty, forever," Harry explained in adamant.

Aubrey placed her hand on his knee, giving it a light squeeze in encouragement. Slughorn had pulled out his wand, placing it to his head, pulling out a string of a blue-colored memory.

"Please don't think bad at me when you see it. I had no idea, what he was like, even then," Slughorn wearily persisted.

The two students walked back to the castle, their hands still together. "Thank you," Harry said out of nowhere.

Aubrey turned to face him, a look of question on her face. "For what?"

"For defended me in there."

"I was defending myself too. I'm just tired of people being so afraid of him," Aubrey flatly stated, her mind whirling with memories from being Voldemort's second-in-command.

Harry stopped sudden at the front entrance. Aubrey stopped too, turning back to face him. "Harry, what-"

Her voice was cut off by Harry's warm lips on her's. The sweet taste of cherry was left on the raven-haired boy's lips; it scorched into her mouth. Harry deepened the kiss, leaving his hands on her waist, and her hands gripped onto his forearms.

The two lustful teenagers pulled back, after what felt like forever entangled by the lips. "I like drunk on luck, Harry." Aubrey smirked, pressing her lips back onto Harry's.

"Maybe I should drink the potion more often," Harry teased, as they both walked into the school.

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