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THE PALMS OF her hands smoothed out any wrinkles and crinkles of her white blouse. Her twelve and a half inch wand, with a dragon heartstring core, and great flexibility was pocketed in her black leather boot. Her brunette hair lay passed her shoulders in natural waves. A suitcase filled with clothes and varies other necessities were packed in. She gazed at her reflection in the full length mirror, a soft smile showcased on her face. She leaned down to one side, picking up the handle of the suitcase, before swiftly exiting her room, out into one of the many hallways in Malfoy Manor.

Draco Malfoy had step foot into the hallway the same time of his adoptive sister, Aubrey. The blond-haired boy was dressed in a grayish-blackish suit from head to toe, wand in his pocket, a suitcase in his hand. He had lead the way to the entrance, where his parents had stood by the front door, waiting to take them both to King's Cross Station.

The Dark Lord had stood a few feet away from the Malfoy's, his black ropes rugged and ripped. A smile shown on his thinned lips, placing his grimy hands on the brunette's shoulders. "The time has come," Voldemort spoke. "You and Draco will have two separate missions. Draco will fix the Vanishing Cabinet to have the Death Eaters enter into the school. He will have the greatest honor of killing Albus Dumbledore. Yours is to-"

"-Befriend Harry Potter and gain his trust. By the end of the year, I will hand him over to you," Aubrey interrupted, a grin of sinfulness curling into her lips.

Voldemort seemed pleased. "I wish you good luck, my child. Don't disappoint me." Aubrey nodded, a grin of instant victory eased into her pale pink lips. As Aubrey seemed delighted, the Malfoy's had a chill of terror spike down their spines.

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AUBREY LIFTED HER arms into the upper compartment of the Hogwarts Express, placing her suitcase in the small secluded area. Her blouse hiked up an inch, showing off her lightly tanned skin; a soft breeze glazed it. Aubrey tugged down the shirt, sitting herself safely into a train compartment.

She sat alone, glazing out the window watching the scenery vastly move. The door opened, shocking the girl, as three teenagers stared at the brunette in curiosity.

"Hello. Who are you?" The bushy-haired girl questioned suddenly.

"Hermione, a little rude much?" The ginger remarked.

As the two bickering teenagers quarreled, the raven-haired boy stared at her. His eyes didn't leave hers-it was like a staring contest had taken place, both letting the outside voices fade away.

"I'm Harry Potter," the boy broke his silence, silencing the two bickering teenagers.

Aubrey smiled brightly at him, sticking her hand out. "Aubrey Thomas, nice to finally meet you, Harry," She greeted, as Harry had shook her hand. His hand was warm, soft; it felt nice in hers.

Harry smiled. "This is Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley," Harry introduced, his hand gesturing over toward the two teens. Aubrey nodded toward them, offering the three to take a seat.

"So, where are you from?" Hermione asked.

Aubrey had remembered the Malfoy's words that they told her. Her backstory had to be believable. "I'm from Central London. I'm a transfer from Beauxbatons," the brunette simply stated.

They all nodded. "Why'd you transfer here to Hogwarts?" Ron pipped in.

"Beauxbatons wasn't the best education I wanted. I wanted something more hands on-and Hogwarts is that," Aubrey answered, her glaze shifting to the Potter boy.

Harry's emerald eyes stared at her with caution. There was something about the mystery girl that drew him in, but he wanted to keep his distance. There was something about her that didn't seem right, but he wanted to know more about her.

"I'm going to get something from the trolley. Want anything, losers?" Aubrey smirked, leaning herself against the compartment door.

The golden trio all muttered a response. Aubrey walked furtherer down the train, spotting Draco sitting with his Slytherin friends. "Draco," Aubrey called to the blond, his eyes rolling hearing her voice.

"Draco, who is she?" A high-pitched voice questioned in pure jealously.

Aubrey glanced at Draco who had a look of agitation. "Adoptive sister," the Malfoy boy spatted.

"I didn't know you had a sister, Malfoy," A dark-skinned boy commented.

Draco shrugged, pulling Aubrey off to the side. "What do you want, Aubrey?" Draco asked in annoyance. He was always rude toward the witch.

"I met Potter and his sidekicks," Aubrey mentioned.

Draco gave her a look. "Okay. And?"

"I'm just letting you know. Merlin, Draco I thought we both might want to be updated on our missions," Aubrey scoffed, her arms folding across her chest.

Draco glared at her. "I don't care about your mission!" The boy hissed, "I have my own I have to worry about. We may be siblings on paper, but we are not blood," He sneered.

The witch narrowed her eyes at him. "You don't want me as an enemy, Draco. I have The Dark Lord on my side. You may think you're special that He picked you to kill Dumbledore, but you're not. He knows you'll choke, just like your father. I will bring honor to your pathetic family name, Malfoy," Aubrey silently growled.

Draco stood there, shocked beyond prepared. His mouth opened to say something, but nothing came out. He pushed the brunette out of the way going back to his seat. Aubrey walked back to the back of train, opening up the compartment door, seeing Hermione and Ron, but no Harry.

"Where's Harry?" Aubrey asked, her eyes glancing around the train.

The two shrugged, as Hermione went back to reading and Ron went back to stuffing his face with sweets. Aubrey was hesitant on sitting with two best friends of Saint Potter, but she knew it was best to gain their trust, as well as Harry's. It was the best plan to get through to the mission.

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