Another Days Work

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Lia lightly gripped the trigger of her laser gun as she sat in the mossy, vine-covered tree looking through the scope to see the unrecovered desert wasteland affected by the war 200 years ago. The drooping branches shielded her from the sight of the incoming individuals who were now getting closer to the forest. Usually she didn't bother with people trying to pass through; she would just ask their purposes and see if they had any weapons.  Some would be surprised at how many refugees wore ragged clothes and suffered severe dehydration as they traveled past the wasteland and the forest to go to the main city, Serenity.  She could tell that these men trying to enter it right now were most definitely not that. She could tell by the guns they were carrying and the scars that riddled their skin they were one of the violent radical groups.

The rim of her rifle poked through the low-hanging leaves and vines as she adjusted the settings, lowering the intensity of the laser on her rifle but still keeping a close eye on the intruders. The shots would at most zap them, but would not cause any serious harm...though it definitely would not be pleasant for them.  She didn't like killing unless she really had to. She moved a few loose strands of her strawberry-blonde hair, then tightly gripped the barrel as she took aim at one of their legs, causing him to fall to his knees in the sand as he yelped out in pain.


"What was that!" one of them yelled as he quickly pulled his gun off his back and began to look around cautiously.

"I think it might be a sniper!" the other one pointed out the obvious, which made her roll her eyes.

She then shot another one in the shoulder making him hiss and move his head around frantically searching for the one who was shooting. Lia shot the other next to him in the thigh and his buddy next to him in the side of the head; they were starting to look around in a panic at where it was coming from, they were becoming so paranoid that they started to shoot blindly into the forest with their brown, outdated laser guns, Lia was almost winged by one but it was luckily a few centimeters off. She realized this was getting out of hand and these trigger-happy Neanderthals where going to end up hitting one of the Terrans that lived in the forest or possibly one of the Dryads.


"Dumbasses..." she whispered as she looked at them through the scope.  Lia then began to release a load of shots hitting them from left to right making them hiss and jump in pain. After a couple more shots the men gave up and ran away from the forest and back into the wasteland, no longer being able to take being a human dart board for the hidden sniper.

"I'm not taking this anymore!" one yelled as he struggled up, only to lose balance and fall to the sand in his hurry. He quickly got back up and fled, not wanting to risk getting hit again.

"You sick motherfucker!!" one yelled as he ran.

Lia chuckled through the branches at this. One of them—  obviously the leader—  took one last glare at the forest before running off with the others. Once they were completely out of sight Lia climbed down the tree and jumped into the greenery on the ground while still chuckling. She then slung her rifle onto her shoulder and looked down at her brown cargo pants and white shirt to see they were covered in dirt and moss stains. She did a couple of pats and wipe-downs to get some of the loose particles off of her, obviously planning on bathing later.

Then, she started to walk off, heading back to where her main report station was, but not quickly, wanting to admire the abnormal flora as she walked through it. The forest flourished with bright colors and well-bred trees, with roots and vines spanning all over the plain, the flowers were very fragrant with many different crossbreeds among them.  She could see the sun glimmer through the trees making the colors even more vibrant. The Titans and some humans as well may have thought that the greenery caused by the blast 200 years ago was a mutation, but when she looked at it and spent time in it, she thought it was beautiful, making her smile gently; it was one of the reasons why she wanted to work out here.

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