chapter 10

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Rosie Evans

The next day as I laid on my freshly made bed and listened to some of Frank Sinatra's new christmas vinyl, I thought about the night before. What did it mean? It couldn't have meant anything. I was just upset and needed someone. This didn't mean I had feelings for Richie. Right?

"Rosie? Rosie!" I snapped out of my thoughts when Bev jumped onto my bed

"What? Who's dying? What?"

"No one is dying Rosie. You seemed really spaced out. Is something bothering you?" Right I hadn't told her about Jack yet.

"Jack cheated on Friday night." After I said that, Bev's face got as red as her hair.

"What?! That filthy pig! Who was he with? Who do I have to fight for being a slut?"

"Bev! Thank you for being protective but you don't have to fight anyone."

"Oh Rosie. Are you okay? After 3 months, almost 4, of being in a relationship. Not to mention it being your first relationship."

"Honestly? I'm perfectly fine. Sure it hurts still but I'm not as much of a mess as I was last night. Thankfully I had Richie-" "Hold up hold up. Richie?"


"Richie Tozier? The guy you liked for 8 years? That Richie Tozier?"

"Yes that Richie Tozier."

"Rosie Evans. Just because Jack cheated on you doesn't mean you have to go around with Richie and do that stuff to get back at Jack-" "Bev." "-You didn't have to stoop down to his level-" "Beverly." "-If you actually did that with Richie then I won't judge you but I have questions like what was it like-" "BEVERLY!"


"I didn't sleep with Richie last night." As pleasurable as that would have been. Wait what.

"You didn't? Then why did you go to Richie after you found out?"

"We are practically best friends. I tell him virtually everything and he does the same. And don't get defensive because you know that I love you more than him and you're my family."

"So if you didn't sleep with Richie last night, then what happened?"

"I basically went over there, cried like a crazy person in his room, fell asleep, woke up in his clothes, then I told him what happened. After that we just went back to sleep because it was like 8 when we woke up."

"You and Richie slept in the same bed? How are you remaining calm right now?!"

"Why wouldn't I be calm? We're like best friends."

"Not even 5 months ago, you were obsessed with him and now you're just perfectly fine sleeping in the same bed as him?"

"Time can change people Bev."

"You have a point there my dear friend."

"Now my dear friend, what is todays date?"

"December 12th. Why do you ask?"

"It's already December 12th, practically halfway through the month, and we still haven't decorated the room? What is wrong with us?"

"Looks like we have what we are going to do today."

As "White Christmas" played in the background, Bev and I changed out the blankets on our beds from a cyan to a plaid pattern with red, black, and white. Then we threw on some christmas pillows and a light brown knit throw blanket on top. We then got started on the wall decorations.  Lining the room was a set of off-white christmas lights. Bev started on that while I got started on our mini christmas tree. I had gotten it from the year before but never had the chance to put it up. I put it up in the corner of the room next to the closet, still in sight from all around the room.

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