chapter 1

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Rosie Evans

The day I moved into the town of Derry was in the summer of 65. We had a big moving truck full of our old memories and furniture from our home back in Hawkins, Indiana.

    My mother has always cared what others thought of our family and how we represented ourselves. So to ensure that our family was on the good list of the neighborhood from the start, she had my two bothers and I give the neighbors some of her famous cornbread casserole.

    We went from house to house until we only had one casserole left for our last house to go to. The house was a light blue one story house with lots of flowers and green grass in the front of the house. It was almost as if the flowers had been strategically placed to appear absolutely perfect to passing strangers.

    My older brother Alex had knocked on the door and we all waited for the door open. When that door open I almost dropped the casserole that my mother had spent hours slaving over.

On the other side of the door was a boy who looked about my age with the cutest smile and big round glasses that made his eyes magnified. His brown eyes had me in a trance that I didn't want to be lifted from.

"Hi, I'm Richie Tozier. You must be the new neighbors across the street."

I was about to respond to the brown eyed boy, but nothing came out of my mouth. I was left speechless by this stranger I had met not even a minute ago. Thankfully my other brother had stepped in to my rescue and responded to Richie.

"Yeah we just moved in today actually. I'm Alex, this is my twin brother Brayden, and this is my little sister Rosie." Alex said with ease.

"H-Hi  I-I'm Rosie."that was rough. I usually never stutter what is wrong with me?

"Hi. You remind me of my friend Bill. He stutters a lot too." I wonder if his friend has a speech impediment or if he's just nervous all the time.

"I-I dont usually stutter this much."

Before this awkward conversation could continue any further Brayden interrupted saying, "We should probably get going back home, since its getting late and all. Our mother made this casserole for you and your family also."

This was my que to give him the casserole. I walk closer to the door and hold out my hands that contain the now lukewarm casserole. Richie grabs the casserole from me but when he goes to grab it our hands meet.

We both look up at eachother as if to say 'who's going to let go first?' My head is spinning and I cant resist the urge to smile at him. He sees me smiling and quickly removes his hands from mine and takes the dish.

"Thanks for the casserole my mom will love it." He says with no emotion quickly forgetting about the moment they had shared moments ago.

That's all he has to say? He was staring into my eyes only a few moments ago now he is just going to forget about it?

¨Y-Youre welcome. Well I better be going now. Bye Richie.¨

I quickly run down his driveway to catch up with my brothers who had already started walking home.

That night was only the start of Rosie and Richie's story.


Third Person

The first day of school for Rosie was very different than she expected it to be. She expected school to be pleasant and for people to be nice since she was new. Except it wasn't like that.

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