chapter 9

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Richie Tozier

The plan was never meant to go for this long. It was suppose to be a maximum of 3 weeks at most. Then after the first day after we 'got together' I was stuck there because of stupid rumors.

That day when Greta and I went to her house after school, nothing happened. Everyone thinks that they know all of the details of what happened but they don't. It was all rumors that Eddie had started as a joke but spread around the school like fire in a dry field and eventually got to Rosie. It kills me to even think about the fact that Rosie believes it and thinks of me as some man-whore.

Rosie and I's friendship started when we were partnered together for a project despite her boyfriend and my 'girlfriend's protests. The project was worth 40 percent of our grade and was suppose to be done outside of class so we switched off who's house we would go to after school to work on it. After we would be working on the project for hours, we would take a break and just talk. We talked about our past, what we want our future to be, hopes and dreams. Greta didn't like how I was closer with Rosie than I was with her. If only she knew that Rosie was the only one I wanted to be with.

Even after the project was over we continued to go to each others houses and hang out with each other. She would spend time with Jack on Monday, Thursday, and Fridays. The rest of the week was mine with Rosie. If it was up to me Jack wouldn't have any days with Rosie but that might be because I have a hard time sharing.

As I sat in front of my window in my room, I watched as the snow fell from the sky and onto the green grass. I thought about how Greta would drag me to meet her parents for the holidays. I had managed to dodge her meeting my parents/meeting her parents for this long and this stupid holiday is gonna ruin that.

While I was thinking about lies I could tell to get out of Greta's annual holiday party, my bedroom door swings open. I turn to the door and I see Rosie standing in the doorway. Her usual brown eyes are bloodshot and the mascara that once might have been on her eyelashes was now resting on her cheeks.

"Rosie? What's wrong?" I wanted to ask her more questions but after I finished my sentence her lips began to quiver and her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes filled with tears once more. While I was comprehending Rosie being here with me, she started to cry in the middle of my room. Without another thought I pulled Rosie into a comforting hug and her delicate hands grabbed the material on my shirt while digging her head into my chest. My hands went behind her head and around her back as she sobbed into my shirt.

Isn't it Jack's day with Rosie? It is Friday isn't it? Then why was she here with me instead of him? I'm not complaining one bit but something isn't adding up. I swear to god if he hurt MY Rosie then he's as good as dea-

My thoughts were cut off by Rosie's loud sniffles. Slowly without separating, I guided us to sit on my bed instead of just standing in the middle of the room. I tried to calm her down by slowly rubbing circles into her back and running other hand through her hair.

I must have gotten so lost in thought that I didn't notice her breathing slow or the grip on my shirt loosen because before I knew it, Rosie was asleep in my arms.

Rosie Evans

As my eyes fluttered open I was temporarily blinded by the sun shining directly in my eyes. Was it already morning? I don't even remember falling asleep last night. As my eyes adjusted to the bright light in the room, I noticed a very alarming detail; I wasn't in my room. Not only was I not in my room but I wasn't in my own bed.

I quickly got out of the warm comforters. When I looked down at my outfit I was wearing a very oversized Derry HighSchool football grey sweatshirt with a pair of basketball shorts. Who's clothes are these? And how did I get into them?

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