~ The Point System ~

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In order to earn points, you have to both read and give a constructive overall comment (with the club's tag #WWBC) by the end of every story-based chapter you read.

The meaning behind this, is to help your fellow club members improve and grow as a writer.

A simple "I liked this chapter" is not sufficient. Tell them why you like it. Remember to be kind and constructive!

A story-based chapter is a regular chapter, as well as a prologue/epilogue/preface, what-have-you — in short; chapters with the story.

Author's note, blurb, overviews, what-have-you — in short; chapters about the story does not count.


For each story-based chapter you read AND give a constructive overall #WWBC comment on, you earn 1 (one) point.

OBS:! If you don't include an overall comment at the end of each chapter with the tag #WWBC, your partner shouldn't count it as read! Therefore, if you read 13 (thirteen) chapters but only commented on 4 (four) chapters, your partner should only count it as 4 chapters!

If you fulfill your main mission, you will have earned 8 (eight) points.

If you continue beyond the assigned 8 (eight) story-based chapters, you earn an additional 1 (one) point for each chapter you continue to read and comment on.

If you do not fulfill your main mission, points with be redacted, and you risk being thrown out of the club.

– Voting on your partner's chapters does not earn you any points, as voting is optional.


Extra missions counts as extra points. You can ask for an extra missions once you have completed your current mission AND reported how many chapters you read and commented on.

You can also earn 3 (three) additional points via the Comment Topic of the Month system. This is optional, and you can read more about it in the chapter; Comment Topic of the Month.


Each month have their own chapter with an overview of all missions for that specific month. It is your responsibility to report how many chapters you have read AND commented on, by posting an inline comment next to your mission, stating the number of chapters you read of your partner's story,

If you can not find the mission in the overview, write your mission report in a general comment on the chapter. Include both the name of your partner and their book in the comment. — We will, of course, do our best to keep the chapter updated with all missions. Things sometimes fall through the communication chain, so please be understanding and polite.

If you fail to report your points, we will count it as a failed mission. This means a strike and being labeled as inactive for the next month until you speak to a Manager. Three strikes, you're out. 

This isn't kindergarten. Everyone here is a grown adult, so don't think we'll chase after you for your points. If you don't report, we don't have them. :)


Once everyone has reported their numbers, we will do the math and upload a Mission Report.

The member that has gathered the most points by then end of every 2 (two) months, will get 5 (five) chapters of their book read and commented on, by all club members, as a 'thank you' for their hard work. This will be labeled Book Of The Bimester, and a book can only win once! :) 

The highest point-getter for each month will have a review posted in the review shop. :) 

Any questions about the point system?

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