"Nah let him be. The guys are also late anyway."Ryder said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Aigoo, what am I going to do with you."June exclaimed before landing her gaze to her son Janus. "Oh hello darling, are you excited for your first day of high school?"June asked him.

"Not really. I'm anxious with the new environment."Janus exclaimed as he sat next to his sister who was almost done with her food.


"OMO! They're here!"Riley snapped whicg startled her parents and brother.

"Whose here?"Ryder asked curiously as he peeked through the window.

"Winona-eonnie and Alfie-oppa, they will drop me off to school before they go to their University! I'm going now, bye mom, bye dad."Riley said as she kissed both her parents on the cheek as she walked towards her younger brother and kissed him on the cheek as well. "Bye Thirdy, see you at lunch later."she said as she waved goodbye and left the house.

"Aigoo, time sure flies so fast. I can't believe our little girl would almost finish high school. We really are getting old."June comments as they watch their daughter hopped in to Alfie's car.

"I just can't believe Winona is dating Neil."Ryder said.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, you'll experience it someday when someone starts dating our daughter Riley."June teases as Ryder glared at her.

"No. Riley can't date until she's 25!"Ryder demanded.

"Oh shut up you monkey! You dated me when I was 20 remember."She snapped.

"That was different you were beautiful then, and still beautiful now even though you are 42."Ryder said seductively to his wife before they heard Janus cleared his voice from behind.

"Sorry to interrupt your lovey dovey moment, I'm also going to school now. Zaijan and Harold are outside already."he spoke.

"Oh you take care now darling."June said as she kissed him on the cheek as he returned the kiss back at her and did the same to his Dad.

He was already half way to the door when he glanced back to his parents.

"By the way Dad, you can't restrict Riley-eonnie from dating before 25 coz she's also pretty like Mom. They look very alike and Xander-hyung probably likes her already, just saying though."he said as he closed the door.

June couldn't contain her laughter upon hearing their son's words.

"Looks like you got roasted by your introverted son huh?!"June teased.

"I can't believe that guy was our son, he acted just like you though he looked a lot like me."Ryder spoke.

"Let him be, and get ready for work already. I also need to shower now, I have a girl bonding with my group later. Jill's new resort has opened and we are going to have fun! I even bought a new bikini for this occasion!"June exclaimed.

"Bikini? You said you can wear a bikini without me? You may have aged but you're still beautiful, you don't look far from when you were in your 20s."Ryder said which made June's heart flutter and made her love him more.

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