Chapter 32: Bad News

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It's been a week after the interview and we haven't gone home yet. Actually our flight back to Korea was scheduled 2 days ago but for some reason Manager Kim postponed it. He hasn't told us the reason yet, so for the past 2 days we were just taking a break like me and Jaden went fishing yesterday, Bryce on the other hand flew back to Germany after the interview due to business matters. And the others just stayed at the hotel and slept.

After I took a shower and changed into my regular clothes which are composed of white shirt and sweatpants. I passed by Chase who was having a video call with Natasha, hmm. Come to think of it, I haven't contacted June since yesterday. I grab my phone on the side table and dialed her number.

[Yo Strauss!]


"Willow?"I asked confused, I checked the caller ID and it was sure that I wasn't mistaken.

[Yep! So what's up?]

"Where's June?"I asked her, I bet the girls are at my place again. I scoot over to Chase and Natasha talking but the background Natasha has was nothing from my place.

[Ordering our foods.]

"What? Where are you anyway?"

[The Mall, your girlfriend was planning on buying some stuff for her dog. I was free that's why I'm here talking to you.]

"Oh, can you give her the phone when she comes back?"I told her.

[Of course it's not like this is my phone anyway.]

Ugh! This girl really.

"By the way, how come you girls have no work today?"

[I don't know. For some reason Manager Sy cancelled all our appointments for the week.]

"You guys too? We are stranded in Japan for some unknown reason as well."

[Gosh! Maybe all the Manager's today have screw lose in their heads or something.]

"God whatever it is, they should fix it up already."

[By the way, I heard over Manager Sy last time they were talking about you guys.]

"Talking about us? BOTB?"I asked.

[Yeah it sounded serious but I couldn't actually understand what they were talking about. Try asking Manager Kim, coz I couldn't contact Bryce since last week.]

I was about to ask her about Bryce when I heard June talking on the back ground. Willow apparently handed her the phone.

[June speaking, why did you call?] she asked the moment she got the phone. She didn't even bother saying hello, this is what happens when she hangs out too much with Willow she's becoming rude sometimes.

"Hello to you too. Is it a problem when a boyfriend calls his girlfriend?"

[Not actually but you just called like yesterday. And I'm fine Ryder don't overreact.]

See? Look at the words she's using to me, I miss the June from the first time she came live with me she was so delicate that she couldn't even other the word bad and now she knows how to use the mean tone. I should really start acting up on this problem or June would end up like Willow and I would be called Strauss or stupid when we start fighting over something.

"Hey you really should stop hanging out with Willow. It's not good for you."I told her. Instead a reply from her I heard a lot grunt from the other line.

[WHAT THE HELL STRAUSS! What's wrong with her hanging around with me? IS THERE A PROBLEM WITH THAT?]

Ugh! This is the reason why, maybe next time June would be the one yelling at me through the phone or worse in person.

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