Chapter 44: Unexpected Encounter

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I was spacing out in my room while holding the handkerchief my mysterious savior gave me a month ago. I still can't believe it actually happened, I am more eager to know who he was. Why didn't he show his face? And why did he help me in that situation? We were strangers from the start, well if I were in his shoes I would also do the same but that's not the point! I just can't freaking get it why does he need to act all mysterious and made me feel like a complete weirdo right now! Ugh!

Tomorrow we are scheduled to film our music video for our upcoming mini album called "Scarlet". We are beckoning even more busy that the previous days, and we are also scheduled to go the salon today to have our hair colored. I just got my black hair back 3 weeks ago and now I need to color them light brown or something I'm not really sure. After we had a light lunch meal after our rehearsals we head straight to the salon.

Upon arriving at the salon, a familiar car was parked near the place. That's weird, it's like I saw that car somewhere before. It's not mine and for sure not the girls as well, who's is it? It's not like I rode it before. We entered the salon all together living me walking behind them all confused to the familiar vehicle parked outside. Manager Lee introduced us to the former hair stylists who will dye our hair before, we all bowed together to greet them when I noticed a familiar person sitting on a chair having her hair dyed as well. She was having a surprised reaction upon seeing us. omg! Is this really happening?

"Yesha-sunbaenim?"I questioned not sure if it was really her. Then my other members also gaze to where I was looking.

"Hello."she awkwardly greeted. Then Drea and Ara didn't think twice before rushing towards her.

"Omg! It's nice to see you again Yesha."Drea greeted her. Eh? They know each other? Our confused expression was noticed by Yesha-sunbaenim.

"Ah mianhe, I know Drea before we coincidentally bumped into each other while auditioning at *toot* Entertainment."Yesha answered.

"Which I didn't got picked thought."Drea jokingly added. Our little chitchat was cut off a bit when the hair stylist already called for Jill, Nica and Drea for their hair dye. While me and Ara-unnie just sat at the waiting area, we had our nails done for the mean time.

I don't understand why I am so interested in talking to Yesha-sunbaenim. Well I am a fan of hers and her other members as well, ABlue and BOTB are the idol groups I look up to when I started training in my company. I heard they actually fought their company Director and fans to keep their private lives, well it's probably normal for idols to hide their relationship with the public but they are different they actually made it public not minding how people approached it with pure negativity and here they are now openly expressing themselves happy and contented. The fans actually loved them now with their honest remark to the public, that's what I admire to them they are the perfect example of idols being themselves. Fighting for what they deserve, freedom. The type of thing we don't have in our company.

As I was spacing out in my own little world when I saw someone handed me lollipop, when I looked up to who it was my eyes literally widen.

"You like some lollipop?"she asked. I unconsciously nodded my head as I accepted her offer. She also gave one to Ara-unnie as well. They talked for a moment while I sat there listening to their conversations, they also knew each other since Ara was one of their back up dancers before.

"By the way, Seven here is a fan of your group. She specifically likes Willow since she finds her cool."Ara said which Yesha glanced at me, I could feel my cheeks getting hot. I can't believe Ara actually told her that.

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