Chapter 4: Balls In Your Court

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Two Months Later


It's seven o'clock in the morning and someone is banging on my fucking door. My baby in the room sleeping.... FINALLY ! she been up all night crying from this little cold she don picked up from God knows where! I peeked through the hole it was James. I sighed heavy before opening my door "Yes!" I say with a attitude. "Here ya go pretty lady" he smirked handing me a letter. "What is this!"

"... A eviction letter what you thought? You was going to not pay this months rent.." he chuckled. "I didn't pay last month or the month before that what's new!" I snapped. I was so tired of this shit. I been saving my money up preparing myself for this day I'm ready but I'm not. "Actually you did ! On someone else's dime but .... I ain't complaining" I rolled my eyes Von immediately popping in my head. "Alright I'll be gone by Friday!" and I slammed the door.

I wanted to text Von and tell him to stay out my financial business but I rather not even speak to him PERIOD. Haven't talked to him in like two months and I didn't feel any kind of way about it either. He crossed the line pulling out a gun on my child's father in FRONT of my child that's unforgivable! He called and text for the first couple of weeks and then he stopped.... That's how much I meant to him. I laughed aloud before returning to my bedroom and getting back in bed. I need some sleep I have a extra long day ahead of me.


I rolled over in bed to two snoring butt booty naked freaks. I thought in my head like what a fucking night and smiled! I checked my phone and had a boat load of angry text from all sorts of bitches. Went to strip club with Kam last night so you know what kind of night it was!

Desiree was the furthest thing from my mind. I'm not about to dicksuck that girl. The shit I did was wrong on so many levels but I apologized so many times and got nothing in return! I'm good on shorty she can be with that nigga or any other nigga ! But mark my words when I see that nigga I'm beating his ass, I would kill him but Sapphire mean too much to me still.

One of the chicks rolled over and stretched. "What time is it" she said in a raspy voice. Too raspy actually made me have to check. When I looked down and seen a freshly trimmed kitty I relaxed.

"It's a clock right over there" I pointed. She glanced at it and jumped up. "Oh crap! I gotta get my son to school" I shook my head. She shook her friend awake. "Huh?" she still looked drunk. "Come on I gotta take Kj to school" she snapped. Her friend got up slowly searching for her cloths.

After I got them out I went downstairs to the guess room where my nigga Kam crashed last night! "Sir" I called from the outside of the door. I heard a faint moan. "Check out at twelve o clock sir!" I shouted. I could here him laugh. "Bro if you don't get the fuck on" he yelled back. I ran back up the stairs and flopped down on the couch In the living room. I was still a little tired from last night too. I pulled the the lever on the side of the couch and the seat reclined back. This was giving me so much life right now. I needed a stanback and a Vernors and I would be Gucci. As soon as I drifted off to sleep my phone wanna ring. The number was unknown. "Speak?"

"This Von?" the person asked. "Who the fuck wanna know" I yelled assuming it was Shawn or one of his bitch boys. "Yo, I don want no issues I'm just looking for my brother!" Niggas is tripping. "Who the fuck is your brother fam?" "Marquis he been missing fa two months na... Last time niggas say they seen him he was at one of your traps" I thought to myself. Marquis ... Marquise... Mar? Oh shit I R.I.P'd that nigga. "Naw b, I don know no Marquise or nothing about no traps! But if I hear anything on the streets I'll let you know" I lied. "Aight Fam" he hung up.

Na I gotta figure out what niggas got the loose lips! When I find out who they getting put on a T-shirt. I laid back down and reattempted to snooze this time was a success.

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