Chapter 1

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Prince Arsham and prince Nouri stare distractedly outside watching the eunuchs and handmaidens go about their chores as the royal tutors rambled on. It was late afternoon in Isfahan and the tutors were running well behind schedule.

Leaving the young princes seething.

The ten year old's were the pride of their parents and a treasure of Persia. Known for their brilliance in both their academics and martial art skills. One wouldn't expect any less since they were the product of queen Omeed and king Hafez.

A sudden rumble broke the princes out of their reverie. "Oh my--" Gasps prince Arsham as the rumble continues.

"What was that sound?" Probe prince Nouri in a quiet whisper. "Where did it come from?" He persists looking at his older brother as he clutches his stomach trepidation.

"I don't know brother, but there's something dreadfully wrong with me." He says loudly standing up abruptly from the pallet on the floor as his disturbance breaks the silent room once again.

"Your highness, does anything troubles you?" A tutor asked prince Arsham noticing the distress on the face of the young prince.

"I have to go! Please excuse me!" Arsham shouts in response already half way towards the exit of the royal library with prince Nouri following closely behind him.

"Royal brother stop!" Nouri tries pulling Arsham to a stop gripping his arm firmly.

"Let me go Nouri! I have to see royal mother and father." He says looking scared. Everyone stopped and stared at them wondering what all the furor was all about.

"You won't be seeing them if you trip over and fatally hurt yourself brother." Prince Nouri sneered.

"Well just let me go and.." Prince Arsham is cut off by the loud rumble once again making his face pale with fear whilst Nouri looked on alarmed before taking off towards their mother's pavilion.

"Royal mother!" Prince Nouri screamed. "There is something wrong with Arsham!" In the young prince haste to get to his mother, he forgot protocols. Prince Nouri didn't realize their mother had an audience which included a few scholars and officials.

Queen Omeed stood up abruptly as she dashes towards the frantic prince Nouri. "What is wrong with your brother!" She asked as her heart hammers against her chest. Before prince Nouri could respond, prince Arsham walked in looking defeated with unshed tears in his eyes.

"Royal mother." He salutes with a deep bow of his head.

"What is wrong son?" Queen Omeed inquire pulling him into her bosom ignoring the curious glares from scholars and officials. Even the court maidens watched on.

"I think I am suffering from an ailment royal mother." He whimpered softly. "I am sorry to have disappointed you and Persia."

"What do you mean Arsham?" Queen Omeed's voice cracked. "What ailment?"

"It's my stomach royal mother, there is something inside and it keeps making noises." He cries burying his head deeper into her chest. His words had everyone momentarily stiffening.

"Noises?" Queen Omeed asked wanting to make sure she had heard him correctly. She pulled away from him gently giving his saddened face a quick look as she proceeds to take his wrist into her hands. "I will check your pulse--."

She was cut off by prince Arsham's stomach rumbling once again. As she watches his face ashen. "There's the sound again royal mother!" Prince Nouri cuts in looking distraught. He feared for the life of his twin brother.

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