Chapter 21 Part 2

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Stray rays of sunshine penetrating through the window of her modest hut and laughter aroused Abal from her deep slumber. She couldn't help overhearing Adara chastise the young boy for fear of Abal's wrath at being disturbed.

Abal stirred on her pallet muttering a series of cusses as she throws the fur blanket over her head to shield her eyes from the glaring sunlight. 

Babak(Small father) was once again being his mischievous self as he disrupts the serene silence of the household. He had been counting down to the moment Abal wakes up from her slumber as time seemed to crawl by excruciatingly slow.

"Wake up big sister." Babak shouts pulling the blanket off Abal's head. It didn't matter that she glowered resentfully at his behaviour as long as she saw to his needs.

He has miraculously survived against all odds after his close brush with death. Although none has come forth to claim the child, Adara volunteered to cater towards his immediate needs.

His owlish eyes danced with mirth as he drops into a fit of carefree giggles. He was now an healthy child being brought up with love and adoration by two outstanding women. Whom just about worshipped the floor on which he walked.

He was a welcomed relief to their otherwise miserable existence. A breath of fresh air.

"Scram!" Abal orders him trying to return to sleep. "I am trying to sleep here." She tells him. Glaring incredulously at him as she ponders over his audacity at trying to wake her up.

"No! Young master Ahmed will be here soon and you promised to allow me venture out into the village if you are accompanying me." Babak groans.

Ahmed has become something of a regular fixture in their humble abode. Paying unexpected visits, running errands for Adara, he thought himself a friend of Abal's but she only saw him as a speck of dust she couldn't shake off no matter how much she tries to.

Abal went a far as failing to acknowledge his presence whenever he pays his unscheduled visits from time to time.

Even his peers have all resolved to calling him errand boy to the low-born behind his back. They thought he was under Abal's spell for he has become her shadow. Non could explain his sudden obsession with her considering their past.

Babak pouts childishly, sniffling with sagged shoulders as he silently sobs knowing Abal couldn't turn down his offer when he stared at her like a scolded house pet.

'Allah!' Abal mentally groans as she looks away from him. "Not now, Babak. I am tired and in need of some more sleep." Abal laments barely audibly with a yawn looking away from the dejected child. She still couldn't fathom how Babak has warmed his way into her uncaring heart.

"But you promised sister." He shouts as he takes off outside in tears. Babak has taken to calling Abal big sister and Adara grandmother even though they remained biologically unrelated.

 Adara was beyond grateful to have Babak around. 'He would help Abal get over my demise when the time comes.' Adara had mumbled to herself. Babak was precisely what Abal needed in her life. He conveniently pushed her boundaries.

"Just go with the boy Abal. He has been looking forward to this trip." Adara lovingly calls out from their courtyard. "Young master Ahmed is here any way." Adara continues as she watches Ahmed approach from a distance.

"Alright, alright." She complains as she packs up her sleeping pallet. "There hasn't been peace and quiet since the arrival of that little demon." She mutters under her breath. "It's my fault for bringing him home."

The low-born {Book 2}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora