Chapter 16: Useless Muscles

Start from the beginning

"You know Krist." The bunny persisted whilst blinking his large eyes.

"No, I don't." Tul caught hold of Krist's arms to stop the lad from embracing him again.

"Actually," Singto intervened, "you do know him."

"How could you, P'Tul?" Max scolded sadly.

"Baby, I really don't know why this is happening. Please believe me." Tul pleaded to Max and glanced over at Singto for help. "Ow! Nong Singto, do something about your man. My baby is getting upset."

"I am your baby!" Krist declared.

"Everyone, calm down," Singto instructed. "Let's find a place to sit down and I'll explain everything."

"I believe we were going to get some ice cream." Bas finally spoke and smiled.

"W-Who are you?" Tul uttered.

"I'm with P'Godt," Bas replied.

"Nong Godt got a boyfriend, too?" Tul questioned in shock. "We go on a little vacation, and you all found a companion."

"Yeah," Max joined in. "And one of them is ogling over my honey."

Eventually recognizing Max, Krist pulled loose from Tul's grip and went to hug Max. "Miss you!"

"Hey, Nong Max! Why are you hugging him?" Tul spat jealously.

"P'Tul, he's the one doing the hugging." Max notified. "Why are you so irrational?"

"Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black?" Tul huffed.

"That's funny," Godt taunted. "I thought I heard earlier that you two never fight, because you love each other."

"We're not fighting!" Tul and Max yelled out in unison.

"O-kay." Godt chortled with his hands raised in surrender.

"This is how we show our love," Max enlightened.

"What he said," Tul concurred. "I love him, damn it."

"I love you too, P'Tul." Max's voice softened.

"You humans are such peculiar creatures." Bas mused.

"Aren't you a human yourself?" Tul mentioned.

"Trust me," Godt provided. "He's no human."

"Knowing you, that might be a good thing." Tul's words brought laughter to the others.

"Hey! What do you mean by that?" Godt griped.

"No human in this world could withstand such a narcissist like you."

"P'Tul is right," Singto agreed.

"I'm not a narcissist!" Godt denied.

"Refuse all you want to, but the truth can't lie," Max concluded.

"I like you guys better when you're fighting," Godt grumbled.

"We don't fight," Tul claimed. "We communicate."

"As if..." Godt hissed.

"Let's find a place to sit down and I'll explain everything," Singto suggested.

"Ice cream?" Krist reminded.

"All right, Krist." Singto nodded. "Why don't all of you go to my place, while Nong Godt and I go buy us some ice cream?"

"Why don't we just go with you?" Tul wondered.

"What I have to tell you mustn't be revealed in public."

"Why?" Tul plied.

"Just do as I say!" Groaning, Singto threw Tul his house keys and lugged Godt away with him.


With a bag filled with cartons of ice cream and Popsicles, Singto looked up at Godt. "What are we going to do?"

"There's no other choice," Godt said. "We have to tell them the truth."

"Do you think they could handle it?" Singto felt a bit worried.

"Well...if we could, they should be able to."

"I hope so."

Heading into the building, Singto and Godt threw each other a look when they heard a loud thump followed by Max's horrified screams.

"Oh, no..." Singto sighed.

They ran to knock on the door only to find that it wasn't locked. Pushing it open, they saw Max trying to drag an unconscious Tul away as he cried in fear.

"Can't say I didn't expect it," Singto blurted.

"Fainted." Krist pointed at Tul.

"We could see that," Godt uttered. "Why did he faint?"

"They didn't believe that Krist is a bunny," Bas disclosed. "So, I..."

"So you...what?" Godt pushed further.

"Bas is invisible," Krist finished what Bas wanted to say.

"You turned invisible in front of them?" Godt shrieked.

Bas nibbled on his bottom lip and murmured. "I thought that they would be able to handle the truth. How would I know that their muscles are only for display? They aren't as tough as they look."

"You shouldn't judge them by their looks."

"I learned that from you, P'Godt," Bas confessed.

Godt wanted to retort but was rendered speechless.

"Why didn't you wait for us to come home before telling them?" Singto queried.

"The fainted one became impatient when he couldn't find his bunny. We didn't have a choice."

"No choice." Krist shook his head.

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