everybody stay calm!

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normal - samantha
italics - emma
bold - Lucas


thursday 30th november 2017



"Hey Emma."

"Is this actually you? Or am I dreaming?"

"Knowing you, you could be dreaming. But no, it's me."

"Thank God. Look, Sammy, I'm so sorr-"

"Nope. Don't say it. You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm the one that needs to apologise. I was a jerk and I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like I did."

"Jumped to conclusions?"

"I thought Lucas liked you."

"Ew oh my god, Lucas? Like me? No."

"Well that's what I believed! I was being stupid."

"You weren't being stupid, I get where you were coming from. Besides even if he did ever like me I'd never date him. He's gross."

"Hey! I heard that, Emily!"

"Oh my god. Is that-? LUCAS JADE ZUMANN IS WITH YOU?"


"And she told me she loved me."

"That was after you told me."

"Oh my god! Okay, it's happening! Everybody stay calm! Everybody stay calm! STAY F***ING CALM!"

"You did not just quote the office..."

"Don't judge, pretty boy! I'm hyperventilating. My ship is sailing."

"Uh, Em? You okay, love?"

"Oh god, what a day to be alive."

"Samantha? Is she usually like this?"

"This is actually a rare side of her."

"I'm sorry for showing my adoration for my OTP!"

"Okay, we're gonna go now, Emily. This phone call ruined our moment."

"You ruined my life, but do you see me complaining?"

"There's the Emily I know and love."

"Ugh, you guys. But Em, truly I'm sorry. Re-"

"Honestly, it's water under the bridge."

"Gilbert, she just quoted you."

"Yeah, I'm Lucas, not Gilbert."

"You guys are dorks, I'm gonna hang up now. Speak to you soon?"

"Sure thing, Emily."

"Okay, Emma. Love you."

"Love you too!"

Emma 🌹 ended the call


My OT3 is alive again

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