in love

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bold - lucas
bold italics - lizzy


saturday 4th november 2017


"Hey Lucas! I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you more Lizbug. How are things back home?"

"They're great! Your family misses you though and Isaac won't shut up about you at school apparently. The kids come home and get jealous because of how proud he is of you."

"Seriously? Awe I miss them all so so much and can't believe Isaac is talking about me at school. But how are you? Met any cute guys?"

"I'm good I guess. And no, you know me. I don't care for guys at the moment."

"Apart from me."

"Apart from you, yeah. So what about you? Met any Canadian girls worth dating?"

"Uh. Kind of. She's just a friend, I don't like her or anything."

"Ohhh what's her name?"

"Her name's Samantha but everyone calls her Sam. I call her Samantha, though...and babe."

"You sound so smitten about her already omg."

"I'm not! She's just a friend and I've never even met her!"

"What do you mean? How do you know her?"

"Well she works at this takeout and she answers the phone. I met her there. Let's just say she wasn't overly fond of me to start with but now it's progressed into phone calls til 2 in the morning."

"You guys sound so adorable. When do you start dating?"

"W-What? Who said we were gonna date?"

"Okay, okay, I'll keep that to myself. Anything interesting happened between the two of you, though?"

"Oh, uh well. You're not gonna believe this but I'm, I was drunk last night."

"What!? The Lucas Jade Zumann who never drinks got drunk!? What happened?"

"Samantha ignored me for 10 days straight then we had this argument and I screwed up and couldn't stop thinking about her. I thought drinking would make me forget but turns out I called her at 2 o'clock in the morning and I was blabbing on about me being shirtless. It all sounds horrifying and I'm so glad I can't remember it. Stop laughing oh my god!"

"I'm sorry that's just the funniest thing! Out of all the embarrassing topics you talk about being shirtless? And that is why I love you Lucas, you're too..."

"Too what?"

"Oh I don't even know. I actually have tears, I want to talk to this girl. She seems amazing."

"You've not even heard half of it yet. Like, she has the most adorable laugh and blushes non stop. And she makes all these cute Star Wars references that make her sound so nerdy...and then she'll flirt with me all the time, making comments about how hot Gilbert looks that seriously makes me blush so hard. And then she has these beautiful stormy grey eyes and these stunning freckles on her nose and under her eyes..."


"Lizbug? You still there?"

"Mhm. Lucas?"


"You're in love with this mysterious girl on the phone."



"Holy sh*t I'm in love with Samantha Cook."

luke 💚 has ended the call

✓ pizza , lucas jade zumannOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora