gilbert is hot

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bold - lucas
normal - sam[antha]


sunday 22nd october 2017
4.03 pm




"You're such an idiot, do you know that?"


"Stop saying yes."

"Okay, okay. Jeez."



"Stop, Samantha! You said you watched Anne with an E?"

"Well, I'm watching it. I'm on episode 3."


"Your name is in the opening credits but there are like no teenage boys in it yet."

"Oh so you don't know what I look like?"

"Unless you're Jerry. Oh are you Jerry? He's so cute."

"I'll tell AJ you said that."

"Who's AJ?"




"Shut up."

"Tell me if you figure out who it is."

"I will- oh wow."


"Oh my god."

"What is it!?"

"Shush! I'm trying to watch it, a hot guy just came in hang on."


" alright miss?..."

"Wait, am I on speaker!?"

"Yes, now shut up!"


"If this is the Gilbert Blythe Diana was talking about, I'm very pleased."


"Okay, in pausing it, I'm satisfied to have Gilbert paused on the screen."

"You really like this character and it's been 4 seconds."

"Gilbert is hot!"

"Never noticed."

"So can you tell him for me, please?"

"Well, you just did tell him."

"You're Gilbert?"


"I didn't think you would be so..."

"So what?"

"Never mind."

"...Thanks for calling me hot."

"I'm such an embarrassment."

"No, you're not. You're cute, not an embarrassment."


"Are you giggling? Is Samantha Cook giggling?"

"Stop, you're making me blush."

"I'm glad I can make one girl blush."

"With that face I'm sure everyone around the world is blushing."

"Stop. That reminds me. You owe me your Instagram account."

"Actually about that. I've decided I'm not going to give it to you."

"What!? That-"



"I'll send you two pictures of myself and you send me two pictures of yourself. Because I never use Instagram anyway and I just want to know you through this. That's sounds weird but it's the truth."

"Okay, I agree to that. I just wanna know you from me getting to know you and not looking at you on social media etcetera. But you have to promise not to google me. Please?"


samantha has ended the call


I would totally embarrass myself like sam

✓ pizza , lucas jade zumannOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora