screw up

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normal - samantha
italics - emma (sam's bestfriend)


friday 3rd november 2017
8.01 pm


"Hey, Sam!"


"Oh my god, are you crying?"


"Okay, calm down. Whatever it is, it'll be okay."

"No. It won't. It really won't be okay. I screwed up. I lost him, Emma. Why does everyone leave me?"

"Shh, Sam, it's okay. Is it Lucas?"


"I told you not to like him, you dumbass."

"I'm sorry, how could I stop feelings like that? I tried and it ended up driving him away."

"I'm on my way. Just calm down and wait for me okay? Don't do anything stupid."

"I love you, Emma."

"I love you too, Sammy."

sammy ended the call


The shortest chapter just to show who Emma is and to clarify that Samantha likes Lucas.

✓ pizza , lucas jade zumannOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora