miss you

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bold - lucas
normal - sam[antha]


friday 3rd november 2017
7.34 pm


you have (2) missed calls from 'emma my love'
you have (1) new message from 'emma my love'
you have (1) new message from 'lis sanders'

you have (17) missed calls from 'dork 💌'
you have (2) voicemails from 'dork 💌'

dialling voicemail...

friday 27th october 2017

"Hey, Samantha. I don't know where you are or if you're okay. Just text me or something. I miss you and I'm worried. I- um just call me, okay?"

friday 3rd november 2017

"Sam? I miss you. I just talked to Charlie. God he reminds me so much of my brother. I really like him. He told me you were ill and figuring some things out. I hope you're not figuring out anything about me, because I don't want to loose you. Call me. Please. Babe, I need to hear your voice. I'm sorry if I did anything, I just-"

samantha is dialling 'dork 💌'


I had to put some angst in, didn't I?

✓ pizza , lucas jade zumannTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang