+what you do for his birthday

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yeet this chapter is dedicated to izzy cause its his birthday !! we love !!
Axl: You celebrated his birthday by taking him out to his favorite restaurant. After this, you went back home and stayed up late listening to records together.
Slash: You spent the day roaming around town, stopping for milkshakes and ice cream along the way.
Duff: Duff wanted to keep it pretty low-key for his birthday, so you celebrated by buying a chocolate cake and a few movies to watch together cuddled up on the sofa.
Steven: You called the band over to your place and surprised Steven with a mini-party including pizza, cake, alcohol, and music.
Izzy: You drove down to the beach with Izzy and the boys to celebrate his birthday. You spent the day swimming, playing beach volleyball, playing in the sand, and ended the day with a nice campfire.

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