+his favourite thing about you

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(A/N- please vote and comment!)
Axl: Your "I do what I want" attitude. You know exactly what you want and wont back down till you get it. You don't care if someone doesn't like your outfit, you don't care if people think you're weird. He thinks it's super cool.
Slash: He loves your happy-go-lucky attitude towards everything. You always look on the bright side of things. You've always picked him up when he feels down and you make everyone around you feel happy whenever you're around.
Duff: Your hair. You never thought it was much, but Duff loves it. He thinks it makes you even more special and always compliments it. He'll find himself absentmindedly toying with its silky strands. Sometimes, he gets so focused that he'll attempt a messy braid or bun. However, you'd be lying if you said you didn't love it.
Steven: Steven absolutely adores your willingness to help others. You'd do anything to help someone out, even if it includes making things hard for you. You always make sure to put other peoples need before your own needs and will go out of your way to make someone happy.
Izzy: Izzy loves your eyes. He often finds himself losing his train of thought and he'll get lost in them. Sometimes he'll try to start random conversations just so he can make eye contact with you. You'll often find him staring at you, which you pretend to find strange but deep inside you both know it makes you feel special.

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