+how you met

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(A/N- please vote and comment!)
Axl: You met Axl one late night while walking home after a party. You felt someone watching you but didn't think too much of it. You turn around and see Axl, who seems to be following you. You shrugged and started walking faster. "Wait" his low voice called. "I'm Axl, I saw you the party. Can I walk with you?"
Slash: You were at the bar with a few of your friends when a man with curly dark hair caught your attention. He downed drink after drink, only stopping to smoke his cigarette in between. Soon enough, he wobbly attempted to get out of his seat and nearly fell over. You decided to go try and help him. "Are you ok? I'm (Y/N). Let's get you home." You smiled, holding his arm to keep him from falling. "I'm Slash" He slurred. "I want another drink" Slash whined. "No, we're going." You demanded, dragging him out of the bar.
Duff: You and Duff met at the Whiskey a Go Go. He was sitting with the rest of the band, but he really stood out to you. Maybe it's because he's 6'3", but something about Duff made you feel drawn to him. Later on that night you accidentally bumped into him, causing him to drop his vodka. He turned around angrily, but his expression changed when he saw you. "I'm so sorry!" You exclaimed. "No, it's cool. I'm Duff." He blushed.
Steven: Your band was opening for the GNR concert tonight. You always perform and you love it, but you felt nervous about tonight. You were pacing anxiously in the halls when you saw Steven walking towards you. "Hey (Y/N)! What's the matter?" He asked, obviously seeing you pacing "Nothing, I'm just kinda nervous. I've never performed in front of such a big crowd." you shrugged.
{After your performance}
You walked backstage and saw Steven leaned against the wall. "(Y/N)! You did so good!I'm really impressed. You're pretty cool." He smiled giving you a tight hug. "I gotta go up now, meet me here after the concert?"
Izzy: It was the morning after seeing GNR live at the Whiskey a Go Go. You noticed a familiar face sitting by the window. It was Izzy, who played last night at the gig. He sat there alone, reading his book. He was definitely not like the others. He was quieter.You sat down at a table next to him. You wanted so badly to introduce yourself, but you just couldn't. You looked up and saw him now pulling his seat over to your table. "Is it ok if I sit with you?" He asked shyly.

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