+when you're sad

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Axl: He'd come over as soon as you called him with a tub of ice cream and movies. you'd cuddle on the sofa with lots of blankets as you watched movies and ate snacks.
Slash: While on his way, he stopped at mcdonald's and got you chicken nuggets and fries. You built a pillow fort in the living room and played board games inside of it.
Duff: As expected, Duff came over with vodka and you cuddled on the sofa until you both fell asleep.
Steven: He came over quickly with a Bouquet of flowers and cookies. He made you feel better by joking around and having pillow fights.
Izzy: Izzy took you out for pizza and you walked around town together. He took you in to your favourite store and got you a fluffy sweater.

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