Author's Note

333 17 8

Hey guys, as promised, I wanted to update you on a couple of things.

Firstly, whilst I have really enjoyed writing this fanfic, I felt that it was coming to a natural finish and so made the decision to end it. There will not be a third part to this particular fic as don't want to over do it.

However, I am looking to start a different fic in a couple of months (I apologise that it can't be sooner, as I have exams next month and then I'm away for several weeks afterwards) and would love some input from you guys.

If anyone has any requests for what the fic should be based on (e.g. a show or a movie) or any particular ships that it should contain, I'd love to hear suggestions. Also, would the introduction of my own characters - such as Elsa and Jade - be something that you'd like to see again or not?

Any and all feedback would really be appreciated and, with any luck, I'll be looking to start a new story around mid/late August. At that point, I'll make another small update on here giving the title of the new story and a little bit about it.

As always, thanks for reading :)

~ Kat

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