XI- If you're that horny

Start from the beginning

"Can I sleep with you?" I blurt out in desperation. More for the man beside me who looks like he could kill someone. I have taken him on a wild goose chase and he looks strained.


"Uhm, I want to sleep with you." I mulled over my words as I waited for his reply. That's when I realized how wrong that sounded.

"Lollipop," His voice sounded hoarse and strained, "if you're that horny, we could do it at the back, right now."

My face burns and I choke in the process of swallowing my own spit, not daring to meet Mr. Heartbreaker's eyes.

"I did not mean that."

"So, you don't want to sleep with me?" He questions in puzzlement.

A hum starts from the back seat and before I can say Seth, the idiot starts to sing from the back.

"Lollipop is hoooooooooooooooorny."

My hands fly of their own accord to shield my poor ears from the onslaught of his damaging voice. I finally gather the momentum to look at Mr. Heartbreaker and find him holding his head in pain.

"Shut up, Seth!" we both exclaim.

"Jinx." we mutter under our breath.

When Seth finally finishes belting his lungs out, the air becomes tense as the quiet makes us focus on the problem at hand.

I clear my throat in a very unladylike fashion.

"What I meant to say was, I don't really have a place to crash for the night. So, I was wondering if...?"

"You want to sleep with him?" Seth pips up and I nod.

"Not like sleep sleep, just plain sleep." I hurriedly interject and Mr. Heartbreaker muffles a chuckle while Seth stares at me with big brown eyes.

"So, you aren't horny?"

"No!" I almost yell.

There is a sudden silence, only broken by the scratching sound of changing gears. I sigh in relief when we turn out of my driveway and turn into a road which I'm guessing leads to Mr. Heartbreaker's place.

"Well, I am horny." Seth suddenly announces and I don't stop the deep groan.

"Woah, I thought you said you weren't hor-"

"Seth," I grit out, "I. Am. Not. Horny!" My breathing comes in short heaves as I pronounce the words, hoping they do sink in.

"Dude, we do not need to know that!" Mr. Heartbreaker exclaims in a smooth voice and shakes his hair to get the dark brown locks out of his eyes.

"B-but she was groaning when I said I was horny so I simply assumed she was too."

I sigh tiredly and focus on using my energy on better things like drinking up Mr. Heartbreaker's hot looks, instead of replying his idiotic friend.

"People groan when they are tired of listening to your voice." My subject of interest shoots right back.

It's nice that he's defending me but it's nicer watching him defend me. Even though he's just bickering.

"I still feel like she might be-" Seth stops when the car jerks forward as Mr. Heartbreaker slams his foot on the break. We have pulled up in a driveway that looks like a replica of Beverly Hills.

This is a legit sign that the gods are in my favour because Seth has pretty much shut up and got out of the car, following Mr. Heartbreaker like a wet cat. I seat in the car in the driveway and watch as they trudge up to a- waoh!

My eyes widen as I take in the mansion straight out of Barbie dollhouse in front of me. It's a little far from the driveway, but towers over everything like the giants Jack slew in the Disney movie.

The house is a spotless white and the door seems... antique? Woah. Now, this is L.A! The house is a freaking mansion! I wonder who Mr. Heartbreaker and Seth are going to visit. It's obviously not his house as he didn't invite me in. It couldn't even be his house, for all I know, this is the white house!

Seth curses as he tries not to step on the lawn as he follows behind Mr. Heartbreaker who walks stiffly up the antique door straight out of a classical 20th-century movie and rings a bell. The bell jingles and I can see them holding their breath as they wait.

I look around and can't help but drool at the beauty of the mansion. It's all white and antique and has a very classic feel to it. It reminds me of a movie I can't quite place...

A sigh finds its way out of my mouth as I admire the lawn unlike any grass I have seen before. It is a wide green carpet with a big red heart in the middle, some colours swirl around the large heart bursting out in a variety of colours which just keeps me in awe.

I haven't ever seen a place like this where I come from. Is it because of things like this that Africa is called third world country? This place is extraordinary!

I take out my phone and take a couple shots from inside the car. As an art freak, I can't let a beauty like this pass me by. Maybe, I'll give it to Vera to post on her blog...

My phone shutter going off is interrupted by a loud crash and my head whips around. My eyes enlarge as big as saucers as I take in the scene before me, with a heavy gulp.

A/N: The blurry picture above is what I had in my head as I described the lawn and added my touch to it

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A/N: The blurry picture above is what I had in my head as I described the lawn and added my touch to it. Aaaaaaand I took that picture myself. Ironically, I took it in Africa xd.

Mr. Heartbreaker's LollipopWhere stories live. Discover now