20 | Trial and Error [ Sacrifices ]

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"And you guys wanna scope 'em out?"

"I want to kill a hellhound and not die." Sam said, narrowing his eyes at his older brother, "how 'bout you?"

Dean was about to roll his eyes when he stopped himself when he realized he'd got that from Clarissa. His jaw clenched. "Two days— then we do it my way."

Clarissa smiled victoriously as Dean proceeded to unzip his bag.

x x x

"Meet Noah Cassity." Ellie narrated, "He's 71, worth a billion, and just married wife number 5, a-20 year old lingerie model." As soon as the well dressed man stepped out of his car, Alice rushed over to give him a hug.

" 'Cause they have so much in common?" Dean retorted.

"Alice is his oldest, and that's Cindy, the middle girl." A woman with a fur coat pouted her lips as she got out of the car. "She had a single on the country chart a few years ago. Then she started hitting on the bottle, and well, her alums was a bunch of holiday songs for dogs. My favorites were 'Jingle Bark Rock' and 'Don't Pee on this Tree: Happy Arbor Day.'"

"So she's the devil." Dean stated.

"Pretty much."

The car door opened once again and a younger woman stepped out. "And there's the baby, Margot. She ran away just before Alice and Carl tied a knot. Lives in Paris."

"How do you know all this?" Sam asked.

"I've been working on this farm since I was 13, and I've got eyes." She put her arms on her waist and turned to the three, "okay, tonight is an all-hands-deck situation. I'm going to need one of you inside, serving dinner, pouring drinks— a lot of drinks.

"Okay," Dean started, "well, have fun. I won't wait up."

"And somebody's gonna man the grill."

"What kind of grill?" Dean asked, his tone low. He was already regretting his decision to speak up.

x x x

Dean turned the steak over, letting the other side roast as equal as the other did. Ellie took a glance and nodded satisfied. "Impressed?"

"I do like a man who can handle his meat." She said, winking at Dean before walking away. Dean smiled to himself as he continued grilling the steaks and barbecues.

Sam poured a drink on the champagne glass and left it half full for Cindy, who was leaning to her seat with one arm propped up on the head rest like a boss. Sam bent back to proceed to the next guest, but Cindy scoffed. "Really? Keep it coming, Ken doll."

Clarissa had to stop herself from laughing out loud. Ken Doll was what she called Dean when they first met back at the motel.

Sam poured the rest of the contents of the champagne bottle to the glass, and Sam smiled apologetically when Cindy scoffed, flicking a hand to the side, shooing him away.

Ellie bent over Noah to take away his appetizer plate in which he thanked her with a "you're the best, Ellie."

Ellie gave him a small, but stiff smile before taking the plate away to the kitchen.

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