#2: Accidentally Bit

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry about Layla." He says.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault." I give him an assuring smile and throw my things away, Grace follows me behind. Spite that all of this happened way too fast but did anyone else notice that there were no footprints in the ground? No mark of the animal anywhere.

So what could have possibly bitten my best friend?

I make my way to my other classes. All I can basically hear from others is about the incident, Layla got bit, Layla is dead, Layla is this and that.

Leave Layla out of it, shouldn't these people be scared? Frightened that they actually might get bitten by a bitchy Werewolf!? I know I am. I don't believe in them though, they aren't real. Can't I be scared?

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice asks. I turn around and notice that there's Elizabeth Durst, she's not like everyone else. She's mostly quiet, she is popular though; she isn't one of those cliché assholes with a passion for bothering people, she's the opposite. Other than her light-headed friends she's pretty nice.

"I'm fine thank you." I place a small smile to my face and start to walk to my class.

"If you want I'll buy you some coffee later? If you need a friend."

"No it's okay really, thanks Liz." I walk away slowly just to admire my mistakes, why did I come to school today? Why did any of us come?

Next class is language arts, this'll be a delight. Cheer up Soph, you'll be okay. I nod my head at my thoughts and walk into the classroom.

"Hello Miss Quinn." Ms. Daniel says.

"Hi." I sit my stuff down and ignore everyone's stare.

"Why are you late?" The teacher asks in a rude tone.

"An incident happened to my friend." Is all I can say before most of the students are asking me all types of questions about Layla.

"Did she say what happened?!" A kid asks.

"Where was she?" Another unfamiliar voice asks.

"Is she okay?" They all ask.

"Quiet down! And give Sophia some room to breathe please!" Ms. Daniel says to the class.

"Sorry that I'm late." I put my head down in shame.

"It's alright, don't let it happen again." Soon Ms. Daniel starts class. My mind doesn't want to learn it wants to find out how my best friend almost nearly got killed but only bitten? This doesn't make sense. What the hell am I missing?

"Today we're going to be reading a book, now get out those books I gave you and let's start." Everyone gets out a book that I've never seen before.

What's wrong with me, I need to get back on track! I pull the book out from my back pack and start to read it. Once the reading session was over Ms. Daniel told us to tell her some stuff that happened in the book. I couldn't name one.

"Sophia do you have anything to share?" She asks with a smile.

"No ma'am." I say with a low tone.

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