Yes Sir

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Dan stared at his ceiling his mind racing as the hours of the night went on. He turned to look at his clock the numbers stinging his eyes reading 4:30. Fuck!!! He continued to stare at his ceiling the day replaying in his head. "This could not be happening." He muttered to himself. "I can't have a crush on my teacher!" He whispered harshly. "Fuck!" He punched his mattress sighing as he thought about his teacher again.

He walked into his math class expecting to see an old man yelling about the importance of math and how it would help you in the future and how all the things you learn will make you a stronger and smarter person, but Dan's jaw dropped when he saw his professor. He had piercing blue eyes and jet black hair that contrasted agains his pale skin. He was young. Oh god he was young. He smiled a bright smile in front of the class and began introducing himself. "My name is Mr. Lester but you can call me Phil I will be your professor for this term." Dan almost choked his voice was so sexy. After a while of class Phil or Mr. Lester had assigned homework for the class to work on but Dan couldn't focus, he was to busy getting lost in his thoughts but also looking at Phil. Oh god this can't be happening. I can't have a crush on a teacher. Oh god. I can't be doing this. Dan was taken out of his thoughts by someone calling his name "Daniel? Daniel!" The voice said. It felt so far away like miles away. Dan didn't respond he was too far in thought. He shouldn't like a teacher. What if he found out. Omg I'm dead. I'm dead. The voice called again a bit closer this time. "Daniel! Are you ok?" It sounded a bit closer. Dan looked and noticed his hands were shaking. How long has that been going on? He finally got pushed back into reality and he felt tears on his cheeks and he was shaking. Oh my god I'm having a panic attack! He saw the whole class looking at him and that made it worse, but he turned to see the bright blue eyes of his professor. Then he snapped. He was full in sobbing trying to breathe but his chest wouldn't let him the world was spinning. "Daniel look at me, breathe." Phil said sternly. Dan tired to breathe but he couldn't he felt his stomach churn threatening to spill his guts in front of the whole class. The he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders bringing him back to reality once more. "Breathe. Just like me." Phil said softly. Dan followed his directions matching the way Phil breathed. By the time Dan calmed down the class was over and Dan was exhausted. Phil looked at him sympathetically. "Daniel are you ok? Would you like a ride home?" He asked concerned. Dan looked down blush covering his cheeks. "Yes sir, thank you. Can you call me Dan please." He said softly. Phil smiled "of course Dan, and please don't call me sir I'm not that old!" He joked walking Dan to his car. "Sorry Sir." Dan replied causing Phil to chuckle. Once they got into Phil's car Dan sat quietly trying not to think about the fact he was in his hot teachers car. "Hey Dan are you ok? Do you know what caused your panic attack in class today?" Phil asked softly. Dan felt himself tense up again. "I-I." He felt himself begin to panic again. Phil put his hand on Dan's arm gently rubbing it. "Hey hey breathe it's ok, I just want to make sure your ok. You don't have to tell me if it's personal. I understand." Phil replied. Dan nodded and looked down his face heating up softly. "Ok Dan we made it! Phil replied cheerfully his tongue poking out of his mouth. "T-Thank you." Dan replied softly. "Of course!" Phil expressed. He pulled out of Dan's drive way and waved out his window. "See you tomorrow Dan." He shouted as he drove off. Dan blushed and walked towards his door. "See you tomorrow Sir." He whispered.

Oh god there was no denying it. He had a crush on Phil Lester. His very own math professor.

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