Jelously Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

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Thanks to AbbyJamito24 for the suggestion.
Sorry it's quiet long..

Phil sat staring at the group of people grinding on each other. He found himself in a bar trying to cure his broken heart with alcohol. He sat down staring at the bar asking the bar tender  for a rum and coke. The bar tender gave him a sympathetic look but he shrugged it off, he didn't need sympathy he needed alcohol. After three drinks all the pain he felt melted away making him feel light and happy. He turned to see a cute boy smirking at him. Phil smiled and walked over his drinks catching up to him making him trip over his own feet feeling his face heat up. The brown eyes boy smiled "Hey ocean eyes." He slurred causing Phil to blush even more. As the night continued Phil learned that the brow eyed boy's name was Dan. They talked and talked continuing to drink as the night went on. Then Dan got up "I'm going to go dance." He slurred smirking causing Phil to blush again. Phil nodded and stayed at the bar not wanting to be close to so many people. After a while Phil turned to see Dan attached to the girl kissing her neck and slowly grinding on her. He felt his face heat up in anger over the fact that the cute boy he was talking to was hooking up with some other girl!! He stood up feeling the world spin and his head start to pound as he rushed out of the bar and going home his jaw clenched and his stomach churning.

Once he got home he set up his camera and tried to look not so drunk and not so heart broken. "Hey guys!" He said cheerfully to the camera. "Today has been crazy *hics* I went to a bar after Tyler broke up with me." He started sadly. "I miss him guys I really do. I started drinking. If that wasn't obvious enough." He laughed way to loud at his own joke smiling to the camera. "Ok, ok. I met this boy he was so cute and he had the most beautiful brown eyes." He blushed remembering the young boy and his cocky attitude.  "We talked practically all night! Then he went to go dance and I saw him hooking up with this girl!" His happiness faded and it turned to sadness. Phil began to cry loudly his body shaking with sobs. "S-Sorry.." He croaked out to the camera. After a while he calmed down and wiped his eyes. "It just feels like everyone I meet doesn't like me after we get to know each other....I'm probably annoying, or something I don't know." He frustratedly pulled at his hair letting out a sigh feeling awful. "Oh well...bye guys see you in the next video!" He waved to the camera and turned it off. He quickly uploaded it to his YouTube channel thinking about how he might regret the decision in the morning. After that he got a glass of water and an Advil and put it next to his bed and fell asleep.

Dan got home feeling extremely sad, wear did the blue eyed boy go? Did he scare him off, god why did he have to be so cocky! He ignored his spinning head and decided to watch stupid YouTube videos until he was tired. He ended up watching cat videos and went down the vortex of videos just clicking the next thing suggested. Then he found it. Ocean eyes! Talking right at him! He smiled and felt a small blush cover his cheeks he watched all of his videos laughing along with them and finding himself staring into his eyes feeling his heart flutter. Then he noticed a new video he excitedly clicked it giggling like a schoolgirl. Phil began talking about his night slurring his words about obviously drunk talking about him. Dan felt his stomach drop when Phil said that he saw Dan hook up with a girl, and then his heart broke when Phil began sobbing. Dan quickly commented on the video. "I'm sorry...I was drunk and stupid. Wanna try again?" He felt his stomach lurch with nerves as he pressed send hoping to get a reply, but before he could worry to much he fell asleep.

Phil woke up to a notification saying that someone had commented on his latest video he cringed remembering how drunk he was and how stupid the video was, he checked anyway and almost dropped his phone. The message he read had to be from Dan he couldn't believe it!
"Im sorry...I was drunk and stupid. Wanna try again?" Phil stared at the words a stupid grin spreading on his face. "Sure same place same time." Is all he replied with. He smiled contently. Maybe this was the start of something wonderful.

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