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   Loki was not evil, not at his best. Neither was he a beckon of good, rather mischief. He was, unreadable to all, except one. Sigyn the goddess of faithfulness and marriage. She saw him in a different light and fell under his spell. When their children were killed, she disappeared soon after with them.

   However, her affection for Loki was so strong that her spirit never truly left, and was only reborn, over and over, to be with Loki once more.

   She would be reborn and die like every mortal but would come back.


   A woman in a business suit walked through the building she worked at. Tonight she had worked some extra hours and was now heading home late.

   Despite how late it was her eyes were alert and her heart was racing. She clutched her handbag nervously, looking around like a frightened deer. She had a bad feeling about her surroundings and almost gasped with relief when she reached the elevator. She pushed the button and tapped her foot impatiently. Then tightened her high ponytail, holding her straight black hair.

   Finally, the elevator arrived with a ding and opened. She stepped in and leaned against the back wall of the elevator.

   "Going down?" Asked a man's voice.

   The woman's eyes shot up. There stood a man much taller than her. He had long blonde hair and also wore a business suite. With stubble on his face.

   She back against the wall more, wishing she could fall through the elevator. She knew who this man was.

   "Thor I,"

   She was cut off by Thor's hand wrapping around her throat and strangling her. She kicked desperately and put a hole in the glass wall of the elevator overlooking the outside world.

   "Why do you do this?" Thor asked nonchalantly. He wasn't breaking a sweat, but the look on his face was pained. "This happens again and again but you persist. Why, all of him, Sigyn?" He looking into the gasping woman's eyes.

   "Lo- Loki, needs me!" She hacked.

   Thor shook his head in disappointment. His other hand slid into her purse and withdrew a thumb drive that was green and engraved with a gold serpent.

   "Well, this must have something important to it," Thor said.

   Sigyn choked and with as much energy as she could muster she kicked Thor's free hand, causing the thumb drive to fly through the hole in the glass and fall to the sidewalk below.

   Thor looked at Sigyn with sympathy and held out his free hand and a large rock made hammer materialized in his palm. She knew this hammer. The hammer that could only be lifted by Thor himself, Mjolnir.

   "I'm sorry, again," Thor said.

   Thunder outside the building thunder boomed and a shrill scream filled the air where it could be heard for miles.

   The elevator came to the bottom floor and when the doors opened, all that remained was a bloodied, broken, dying woman.

   "I won't stop now, Loki needs me." She choked on her blood, her heart stopped. Then it beat again, in the chest of an infant.

Sigyn's Story Book one: Necklace of HarmoniaWhere stories live. Discover now