Episode 6: Duncan's Lament

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Dublin, Ireland 1784.

As Duncan and Connor travel along the planes of Dublin, they begin to talk about something that they have been keeping from Ashlyn all her life.

"Connor, why can't we tell her?" Duncan asks Connor as he feels that the secret is eating him up inside.

"You know why we can't tell her, she is far too young to understand," Connor reminds him.

"I know Connor, but I promised never to keep secrets from her! I don't want to break that promise!" Duncan says. Connor looks at him, with a very stern look in his eyes.

"When the time is right, you will tell her about what happened on her birthday. Until then, do not tell her, her mind will be easily influenced by rage and anger." as Connor says these word to Duncan, all Duncan could do was let out a fusturated grunt.

"Damn it Connor! She will never forgive me!" Duncan shouts.

"You can't know that for sure, Ashlyn looks up to you, she sees you as her surrogate father. You and me, we were there for her when her father was dying, we taught her how to live and the power of forgivness," Connor says to Duncan, calming him down.

"I hope you're right Connor..." Duncan says, unsure about keeping this secret from Ashlyn.

Present day.

Arriving at a graveyard, Duncan and Ashlyn meet face to face with Ying, who is dressed in a long black trenchcoat. As she stares down Ashlyn and Duncan, she lets out a small smile.

"You showed up, with your little buddy as well," Ying says.

"Ying, why did you side with Regina?" Ashlyn asks her calmly.

"I have my reasons, you left me to die back in Kyoto..." Ying grimaces as she speaks. Walking towards Ashlyn, Duncan steps out in front and he looks at her face to face.

"What happened with you two in Kyoto?" Duncan asked Ying.

"That is business between me and Ashlyn, not you Macleod!" Ashlyn steps out towards Ying, getting closer to her face, preventing her from drawing her sword.

"We didn't come here to fight Ying, we only want to know why you sided with Regina," Ashlyn says to her.

"I said I had my reasons, and you should already know what those reasons are," Ying sharply says to her former lover. Suddenly, Duncan, Ashyln and Ying sense a strong prescence radiating nearby, the energy is so strong that it makes the wind blow stronger.

A womanly figure comes up the stairway entrance to the cemetary, dressed in red. As she walks up the staris, she makes eye contact with Duncan and Ashlyn, cracking a sly smile.

"Regina Bane..." Duncan growls with low tone, anger seeping through his voice.

"Hello Ashlyn, I see you brought your fellow clansman with you. Duncan, it's been too long, old friend," Regina says, hissing with every word she spews.

"Duncan, stay cool..." Ashlyn warns a seething Duncan, who has a murderous look in his eye.

"Just look at him Ashlyn, look at Duncan seething with rage, but he is too weak to act on it. As all men are weak, so is your will, Duncan, to kill the one person who took the love of your life," Regina says, instigating Duncan. Duncan takes out his sword, filling Ashlyn with concern. Walking towards Regina, Duncan has a look of murderous intent.

"Duncan..." Ashlyn tries to calm him down but the vengeful Duncan ignores her, continuing to walk toward Regina.

"Stay out of it, Ashlyn," he says. Standing two feet away from Regina, Duncan stares into her eyes, seeing nothing but malice and malevolence reflecting from her pupils.

"Are you here to avenge the death of your wife, or the death of Ashlyn's mother at my hands?" Regina asks, leaving Ashlyn shocked.

"Oh, you didn't know Ashlyn? Because you didn't tell her, you and Connor kept this secret from her all her life," Regina says. Ashlyn looks at Duncan, shocked at what she has learned, but still worried about him.

"Are you finally going to take your revenge? If so, then go ahead! Send me home!" Regina extends her arms out, inviting Duncan to take her head.

"It's holy ground Duncan, please!" Ashlyn pleads with Duncan, trying to stop him. Duncan places the sword to Regina's neck, just stopping the blade from going through her skin.

"What's the matter? Can't do it? You're weak! You are too much of a coward to finsh the job. Just like all men, you are only good for procreation, nothing more. But I won't kill you, yet..." Regina says, slowly taking out her sword. Like a dust in the wind, Regina slashes Duncan's torso, throwing him off guard.

"You lack strength Macleod! You lack conviction and purpose! That is why men should know their place. This world belongs to women, not you and your kind!" Regina roars as she breaks through Duncan's offense and cuts his right knee, leaving him vulnerable.

"Know this Duncan Macleod, I will make you suffer by killing every person you love, no matter if they share my beliefs or not. As your soul descends furthest into the abyss, I will be there to pluck you out and crush you under my boot!" Regina says, slicing Duncan's left ankle and stabbing him in the shoulder. As Duncan cries out in agony, Regina grabs him by the neck, slowly robbing him of his air.

"It will never be over, Duncan Macleod. You will look back at this, knowing you had once chance to stop me, and you failed. So weak, like all men that have opposed me..." Regina lets him go, throwing Duncan to the ground.

"Kate sided with you, because she loved you. Love? For a measly man? How foolish! All that is needed, is absolute power!" Regina drops Kate's necklace on Duncan's torso, playing more mind games with him.

"Ashlyn... you now have a choice, either join me, or I will kill you and everyone else you care about. Together, we can make this a world for women to lead! Make your choice, I hope it's the right one... bye-bye darling," as Regina walks away along with Ying. Ashlyn rushes over to the aid of the injured Duncan.

"Is what she said true? Duncan, did she kill my mother?" Ashlyn asks him. Duncan slightly nods, making Ashlyn cover her mouth in shock.

"You and Connor knew all this time? Why didn't you tell me?" Ashlyn wonders.

"You would have gone straight for her, she would have killed you with ease," Duncan laments.

"When Regina killed your mom, your mother ordered your father to take you to me and Connor. Regina wanted to train you to hate men and that you are superior to them. But your mother sacrificed herself to save you, being murdered by Regina." As Duncan gets up and hobbles away from Ashlyn, she places her hand on his shoulder.

"Duncan..." before Ashlyn could speak, Duncan stops her.

"Forgive me, I should have told you about this in the first place," he says, wincing in pain.

"I'm not angry at you, you had your reasons. Even though you still should have told me. Duncan, with time anything can be forgiven. You taught me that." Ashlyn says. Duncan turns to Ashlyn, with a look of sadness in his face.

"Did I..." Duncan walks away, leaving Ashlyn to think about what she has just learned.

Hey there guys! What did you think of this chapter? Comment and let me know!

Also, this chapter is dedicated to SakinaNasir5253, thanks for being such a good friend to me!

Thank you for reading and I will see you soon!

Peace and Love

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