Episode 3: An Old Friend Resurfaces

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The next day, Ashlyn takes a walk throughout Central Park, enjoying the fresh breeze that blows through the open air. While she enjoys feeding the birds, while sitting down on a bench, her cellphone starts to ring.

Looking at the caller ID, she sees the numbers 212-488-9976 listed under an unknown caller. Swiping on the phone's green call button, she hears a mysterious voice speak to her.

"If you are looking for vengeance, you will fail. Do yourself a favor and steer clear," Ashlyn faintly recognizes the voice, but she can't quite make out who is behind the phone.

"Who is this?" she asks.

"An old friend," the voice replies into the phone, "Don't go looking for me, Ashlyn."

As the phone hangs up, Ashlyn looks around the park, wondering who was watching her. Ashlyn quickly walks away from the park, hoping to get out of sight.

"Is the person who killed my parents really here? I can't go straight for her, I need to find out where Duncan is," Ashlyn tells herself. Ashlyn takes a taxi cab to a mansion near Manhattan, where she hopes to get answers from a man named Methos, the oldest living immortal.

"Ashlyn Macleod, of the clan Macleod!" Methos greets her as she walks up the stairs of his mansion.

"Hello Methos, good to see you," Ashlyn replies.

"So, what brings you to my humble home?" Methos wonders while sipping a glass of wine.

"I need some information, about Duncan. I need to know if he is still alive." Ashlyn says with worry.

"After Duncan killed Jacob Kell, he decided to live a normal life with Kate. He stayed with her for nine years, until Kate was brutally murdered. Her head was taken and so was her power," Ashlyn's face turns grim over the news that Methos told her.

"Any idea on who murdered Kate?" she asks.

"None, Duncan went to find the one responsible, but he was unsuccessful," Methos explained. Ashlyn remains fearful about Duncan, hoping to hear that he is still living.

"Have you heard from him recently?" she asks carefully.

"I haven't... because he's dead," Methos informs her.

"Dead? That's impossible, something doesn't feel right..." Ashlyn says to herself. After leaving Methos' home, Ashlyn goes to her loft in the middle of Brooklyn, inside the loft are various memorabilia from all points of history.

Ashlyn walks over to her dresser, where she looks at an old fencing sword. She reminisces about Duncan and Connor training her in 16th century France.

Paris France, 16th century

"You are improving Ash, but you still have a lot to learn!" Duncan says to Ashlyn, who blocks and parries his attack with great precision.

"True, but I can tell you are holding back," Ashlyn replies.

"Remember Ashlyn, you are alive as long as you can keep your head on your shoulders." Ashlyn sighs, not out of exasperation, but out of restlessness upon hearing Duncan's words.

"I know, if I don't, I'm not just dead, I'm empty!" Ashlyn says as she lunges at Duncan, who quickly, but carefully defends against her rhythmic attacks.

"That is called the quickening, your soul will transfer into the immortal, making him stronger. It's what drives the others like us to kill us. You must be alert at all times Ashlyn." Connor tells her as she roundhouse kicks him in the face.

Ow... I forgot how hard you hit!" Duncan winces, holding his jaw with his right hand.

"I am so sorry..." Ashlyn says, but Duncan smiles at her.

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