Chapter 21: When Everything Comes Crashing Down Part 3

Start from the beginning

(Krissy's P.O.V.)

"Oh! Your awake, Goodmorning Love"The Nurse said to me, I rubbed my eyes, then I saw him. starred straight at him. He starred back not taking his eyes off me. He smiled, he looked so cute...."Oh! He's been here all night, hasn't left your side since you got here"The nurse whispered to me, I blushed. What happened?...I didn't remember anything, All I remember was being so angry at myself..... Now I remembered..I was angry at myself, I drank alcohol, lots of it. And there was a knife on the table... I cut myself, then everything went blurry...."I'll leave you two alone."The nurse said smiling. She left the room. "What happened"I asked "I found you, crying on the floor blood all around you, you cut yourelf...I took you here as fast as I could"Niall said "Thanks.."I said sheepishly.... Then I remembered all of the things, we were over... "Ni-Niall, you can't be here"I said, holding back tears. "Seline Told Me Everything."He stated. I felt my eyes widen. "Yo-You know? She-She told you??"I asked him wide eyed. "Yeah."He said, then my thoughts went crazy, "Wait...Is that why you stayed with me the whole time?"I asked him. "No! I mean....Last night I was going to talk to you, fix us. But then I found you on the floor and what had happened... Krissy, I Love You, and I always will!"Niall said holding my hand in his. He looked me straight in the eyes, his blue eyes filled with truth. "Krissy,. Love you, and When I found out why you wouldn't go... You did that to protect us, you were so brave for doing that you know? I just...I love you and you need to know that." Niall said, he never took his blue eyes off mine. "Ni-Niall, you can't know! They'll hurt you! They'll hurt all of you!"I said begining to panic. He held my hand tighter, and he then gently placed his hand on my cheek stopping me from frantically looking around, I looked straight at him. "They can't and they won't hurt us."Niall said soothingly. "Niall, I can't loose you. If they hurt you, I don't know what I'll do"I said, he held both of my hands in his, looking me straight in the eyes, he said, "Krissy, You and Me, were going on tour together, we will be in the US! They'll be back in London, we will have all security on all of us. And the police will find out who is doing this and they will go to jail."Niall said. "Niall, What if-"I began to say but he stopped me. "No what ifs, Krissy I love you, I always loved you! Even when we were apart all I could think of was you! I'd never let them hurt the people I love!"He said, "They won't hurt us." I looked down, I was still unsure. He lifted my chin, "Trust me"He said. I slowly nodded my head. "I trust you" I said. He smiled. Then gently kissed my forehead, then he saw my cuts... "Why?"He asked me, I stayed silent. "Why would you do this to yourself?"He said. He held my arms out, my wrists facing up, He looke at the scars, "I-I was angry with myself, it felt like, like I deserved this"I whispered. "You don't! You don't deserve this! Why would you hurt yourself?" "Why would you even think of hurting yourself, and that you deseved it!....Please"He said softly "Please...Promise me you'll never do this again. Promise" He said looking at me, tears in filling his eyes. "I-I Promise"I managed to choke out, he kissed my scars. Then he looked right at me, his thumb gently wiped away my tears. "I Promise" I said sitting up and kissing him. He kissed me back, soon I felt a smile form on his lips. We slowly pulled away, his face stayed close to mine, only inches away. "I Love You" he said softly, "I Love you too"I said, right when we were about to kiss again we heard the door open. "TOO CLOSE! TOO CLOSE!"I heard a familliar voice say, then Niall was pulled back, It was Lou and the others! I smiled "Oh thank god your awake!!"Ashley said running up to me and hugging me, "I was so scared there was so much blood and I thought I might loose you! And ohh god!"She said fast, she then grabbed my shoulders looking me straight in the eye, "Dont you ever And I mean ever do that again! Never do that again!"Ashley said. "I won't" I said "Yeah You won't!"Harry said sitting at the end of my bed, "You scared me! I was so worried! You're my little sister! If you die, I'll be so depressed I'll die!"Harry said. I smiled,. "Ohh My Carrots! You got that right you will never do that again!....Oh! This is for you!"Louis said handing me a giant stuffed bear, I smiled, "Aww thanks! I shall name him BooBear!"I said smiling, Louis laughed..."So when can we leave? Hospitals are very depressing"I said looking around."Now actually!"Niall said, "They just needed to make sure your all fine, "we can checkout now" Niall said smiling, "Okay! Lets go!"I said, I changed into new clothes since my old ones were stained. We went check out, "Err sir, we will need the night gown back"The male nurse said at the checkout desk, Niall looked uncomfotable, I never noticed he didn't have a normal shirt on! Niall took it off, ohh my god, he looks so omg... Niall caught me starring, I blushed. "Come on lets go back to the hotel, I feel exposed" Niall said. Laughing. "Here"Liam said handing Niall his jacket. Niall quickly put it on. I walked through the lobby, "Wait! I have to use the little girls room!"I said. They waited outside, I quickly used the toilet. Then went to was my hands, I turned on the water and put my hands under the soap dispenser, then I saw my wrists...They had cuts, scars..I starred at them... After quickly washing my hands and drying them I placed my arms at my side. Trying to hide the scars. I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing how to hide the scars the most, I then heard the door close. "Krissy?"I heard a voice say I jumped and turned around to see Cat. "Ohh Hey, I was just about to leave."I said. She nodded. "Do you want my jacket?"She asked me, I looked at her weridly not knowing what she meant. "Huh?"I said, "To hide your wrists"She said, I looked down, I saw the scars again the quickly looked at the wall. "Here"Cat said taking off her jacket and handing it to me. "Thanks"I said sheepisly taking it. "Now come on, we have to get back to the hotel quick." Cat said smiling. "Huh? Why?"I asked her confused. "You need to take a shower! You smell like hospital!"She said laughing, I playfully hit her arm, "Hey! Its not that bad!"I said as we exited the bathroom. "Whats not that bad?" Liam asked us looking confused. "Krissy's Hospital smell" Cat said laughing. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, you smell really bad!" Harry said smirking. "Thanks"I said sarcastically. "Hey, wasn't Cat wearing that jacket?" Louis asked pointing to the black leather jacket I was now wearing. "Uhh Yeah, I was cold"I said. "Ohh Babe I could have gave you this if you were cold!"Niall said. "Err Nialler, your naked under that, and frankly I don't want other girls eyes on my boyfriend"I said laughing, He wrapped an arm around me, "Come on lets go"Niall said smiling we got outside, press was there. Security pushed them aside. "Niall! Are you okay? Is she okay? What happened? Is it true you guys broke up? Is it true Krissy broke up with you because she liked Louis? Why was she bleeding? What happened? Is it true you got mad and hit her?"The repoters attacked him with Questions, Niall clenched his fists, "I'd never hurt her!"He shouted. He then wrapped an arm around me tightly. He guided both of us through the crowd. We got into the car. "I'm sorry"Niall said. "Niall its okay"I said, he held my hand, my jacket arm went up my arm. I quickly pulled it down. Niall gave me a look. I smiled, he shook his head. "Hey I'm hungry can we stop by somewhere?"I asked. "ME TOO!! NANDDOOOSSS!!!"Niall shouted. We both started laughing. "Sure!"Liam said. We soon stopped by Nandos, me and Niall got so much food! We then brought our food across the street to a park, they had a little stream. We set up our food right by there. We all began to talk about going on tour, security was always around us now, it was awkward but I felt safe. "So are you guys really big in the US now?" Cat asked. "I'm not so sure we are."Harry said. (there not big there yet! Pretend that the boys became huge in the US in April after the girls left to London!) "Well last time we went there we didn't have many fans only a few."Louis said. "Actually, our US fans have increased alot! We've became huge in America! I've been talking to them on twitter."Liam said smiling. I smiled "Thats amazing!"I said "Wait"I whispered. "Krissy? You okay love?"Niall asked me. "W-We live in America, our friends, family, teachers, everyone who knows us lives in America"I said. "Ohhh"All the girls said, "Everything will change now..."Ashley said. "Hmm How?"Niall asked completely confused. "I don't know...Just it will"I said shrugging. "Well you guys will be going to college, so it wont be that bad"Liam said. I smiled. "Hopefully..."I mumbled to myself. We finished our food quickly. We went back to the hotel to pack all our things, I made sure to call my mom and step-dad and ask if I could go on tour with Niall even though I was an adult now. She of course said yes! They even offered to pay! I finished packing...What I realized was I didn't have any long sleve clothes! I needed some! I finished packing everything then ran into the living room. "HEELLPPP!"I yelled, soon everyone came out. "WHAT??"They all said looking around. "I need to go shopping!"I said they all either rolled there eyes or there eyes widened "Are you serious?! I thought something bad was happening!"Cat said. I frowned, "Its an emergency!"I said. "Well were still packing!" Seline said as her and Liam left everyone was still packing except Louis. "come with me please! Please Lou! Pleeaasee!" I said giving him puppy dog eyes. "Sure!"Louis said. I smiled "Yay! Shopingg!" I sang louis smiled. I put on my aviator sunglasses, wow leather jacket jean shorts, old band t-shirt and aviators! I felt all badass and rocker! Haa! We then caught a cab to the shopping center. Somehow the press and fans were there. They snapped pictures of Louis. Then some of both if us. "Lou! Is it True that your leaving tomorrow for the US?" "Did Krissy really break up with Niall for you?" "How did Sydney take it?" they hammered him with questions. We quickly headed into a store. I looked for the long sleve shirts. I found a few. I went and bought them. We went to a couple more stores and I got alot my long sleve shirts. "Ready to go home?"Louis asked me, I nodded, the cab ride home we were quiet. Untill..."Krissy, it's summer"Louis said I nodded. "Yeah, and then it's fall"I said. Giving him a are you high look. He laughed, "Then why did you only but long sleve shirts"He said all sassy like. "I- I...Really? I didn't notice!"I lied, looking out the window. "Ohh Please, I knoe why!"Louis said, he is so sassy! "They'll go away...right?"Louis asked. I shrugged. I'm pretty sure they did, if I put medicine on it it would...Once we got back it was already late, 8:00pm. We both ate then went straight to bed, I layed down in bed next to Niall, "did you have fun babe? Buy anything?"He asked me, I snuggled closer to him. "Yeah"I said yawning, "thats good" He said yawining, turning the light off, the TV stayed on mute. "Nighty Night Nialler"I said smiling. He kissed my forehead. "We got a big day tomorrow."He said, "Tomorrow we leave bright and early to go to the US!"Niall said, I smiled. "Are you excited?"I asked him he nodded. "First stop New York City! I heard the pizza there is amazing! "He said laughing. I laughed, then yawned again. "Night babe" he said, then I peacefully fell asleep in his arms, tomorrow I'd be returning to America, I wonder how it'll al turn out....

A/N I know its short! But when you put all 3 parts together its long! Hshaha well as usual COMMENT VOTE FAN!!! <3 Love ya!

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