Chapter 29

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  "I told you she needs to go home!!" Pez said and i just felt that the sleepiness is over taking my body.  


i want to ask what's happening but i cant anymore, my head hurt so bad ugh

"Here cover your body, i know its cold" she lend me her jacket. i look so stupid while wearing her jacket because im crying. i dont know my feelings anymore. all i feel are mixed emotions. im just quiet on the whole ride.

my eyes widened when she parked the car infront of my house.

"why here!" i asked her.

"You need company." she said and she get out of the car and opened the door for me 

"careful" she said

"Im fine, thankyou." i continued walking and opened our gate and went inside the house. our maid greeted me 

"Where's dad?" i asked the maid 

"He's not here yet, Ma'am" she said

that's it and i sat to the couch. im really feeling dizzy. i just closed my eyes. i removed the jacket that she gave me.

i looked at my arms and its so red ugh! i hate it its so itchy.

"Here drink this. drink alot of water so that the alcohol wont trigger your allergy anymore." she said and i raised my eyebrow.

"Why are you here?.... just go" i said 

"NO! theres no one here will take care of you" she said and i can really say that she's concern but why?

she started to wipe my arms with bimpo

"Why are you doing this perrie, cant you just go? leave me alone please" i said

"The only thing gone is our relationship not my love for you. i cant leave you here, not until i know your fine" perrie said

"You're just making things hard for me perrie. please stop" i said trying to push her away

"Jade please, let me take care of you. i promise this will be the last" she said and i just let her. i just closed my eyes, after all this will be the last. i will think of the fastest way for me to forget her. i think i'll go to my grandma at the united states. i think its better to be far from her, from the pain

"Come, you need to sleep now, i'll bring you to your room." she said i felt her the way she held my waist so that i will not fell.

when i arrived at my room and felt my soft bed i cant help and just let my sleep over take me.


Its already morning when i woke up, my head ache is already gone plus the red things on my body is also gone.  But the heart ache is still there. 

once i opened my eyes the reality hits me that Perrie is not mine anymore. I cant help but to just cry it out

when will i stop crying  over her?

But after all i managed to fix myself. i still have a job to do. i just called my company driver so that he can get the car i left at the bar.

when i went down i saw the maid holding an envelope

"Uhm what time, perrie left last night?" i asked her

" probably 1 am " she said and i just nod and looked at the envelop she's holding and she gave it to me. i already feel that its the wedding invitation

i opened it


Tomorrow is their day. it feels like tomorrow will be the end of the world for me.

i cant breath while reading their name together in that damn invitation. reading the venue and the time, my tears suddenly fell. i cant help but cry i hurriedly dropped the invitation when i heard my car arrived 

the tears are still obviously on my face. when i opened my office i  found the papers i still need to work on. but i still found myself crying.

I should escape in this painful situation. But how? 

my relation with her is like us together holding a rubber band and if the one let go the other one who's still holding will be hurt and in our situation i think im still the one who's holding and i also need to let go. so that i wont be hurt anymore.. i know its hard and its not that easy but i know i can forget her. i need to help myself. i need to be far, far to all of the people i know.

i cant stay at my grandma's because she'll just ask so many questions about what happened.

i stand up, i need to walk outside and think some things.

i encountered alot of people who's also walking. are they all have problems who's same to mine? are they all feel like crying?

i stopped at the coffee shop and lot of lovers are there dating and i just poker faced. and just decided to go home. i looked stupid while looking at the door of perrie's hotel room. its over between me and her. 

i opened my room and removed my sandals. i just want to sleep. 


its the day, the day that i cant claim her anymore as mine.

i just stand up and took a shower, i also cooked some breakfast for me. i stopped thinking when i heard calls coming from my phone. alot of them are from leigh, jesy and some from niall. i just shake my head i know they'll go here 

i just continued eating, i dont want to talk them i hurriedly opened my cabinet and get some jeans and shirt i want to go somewhere again. i get my wallet and thats it. no phone.

i wait for the elevator im at the side because there's a lot of people waiting the elevator opened and i saw Jesy and leigh inside. i hurriedly went to the stairs good thing they didnt saw me!

i knew it! they'll screw me

i just went to the mall looking some dresses.

ugh there's so many couples again. im so bitter

i just walked and dont mind them until i saw place and that place is the one who's fixing tours, flights and other,. i hurried went there and the stuff talked to me

and at the end...  i saw myself paying trip to europe for one month. and that is scheduled tomorrow.

and the only thing i know, i want far away. far away from everyone.


who missed meeee? lmaoooo

im so sorry ive been so busy. but guess who's the one who graduated high school? of course mee!!! hahaha last 1 chapter i guess? hmmm...

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