Chapter 28

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Jade's POV

I parked my car infront of the bar/restau i used to go we have general meeting there today i walked quickly because im kinda late

I didnt greeted the stuffs there's so many people in here.

I went to the second floor which is still close because it is not yet night. I looked and my eyes went wide when i only saw perrie and leigh

I just looked at perrie and leigh is looking at us

"So where are the others?"  I asked while crossing my arms

"They all have emergency meetings" leigh said and i sigh

"Miss leigh" the waitress excused

"Miss leigh there's a complain in table 2 they want to talk to you"

"Uhh wait i need to go i'll just leave you two here" she said and walked away

Awkwardddd. That's the feeling when your ex is infront of you.

"What's between you and niall?" She asked and i raised my eyebrow

"Why do you care?" I asked

"Just answer my ques-" i stopped her

"What for?" I asked

"Tell me is it really for you to move on?!"

"Watch your word PERRIE! You're the one who have new fiancee."

"You know its hard to break up with you. It hurt me also and its hurt to see that you are already moved on." She said

"Why dont you ask if this is okay for me?! Im also hurt you pushed me when the time i want to hold you." The tear fell into my eye

"Jade im doing this for you. I hope you understand"

"And i hope you also understand im doing this for me to get used to this situation perrie. I dont want to hold anymore" I said

"Jade i told you i have plan for the both of us" she said

"No pez maybe its better to be like this. I cant anymore. I give up" and then i stand up and walk

"Jade... no please" i felt her hot body on my back. She hugged me. "Please..."

I miss her hug, her kiss and her love but I shook my head

I looked at her its hard to see that the one that you love is also hurting.

"Pez lets end this. I give up. I cant anymore i know that you still love me but im hurting everytime i saw you two together, you are still not married but it hurts as hell in here already" i said and pointed my heart. " i wish im strong that its fine to me to see you two together but no pez, i always says i can but deep inside im tearing apart. Im just fighting for nothing. Im just fooling myself. So pez even though it hurts im giving up. Youre now free" i said

Before i got close to the stairs i saw all my friend they are all hurting.

"Jade...." jesy said

I didnt looked at them and i just walked away and entered my car.

"So what now?" I said to myself

I call danielle

"Hello bro?" She said on the line

"I want to unwind" i said

"Then go"

"Ugh just tell me where can i go" i said.

"Ok chill. Lets meet each other in the bar."

"Im here" i said

"Uhmmm okay just wait me"

I decided to get out of the car. I just want to forget everything. All i want to forget all. From the moment i met her up to this moment.

"Your cying again...." someone said and i looked at the one who spoke and i knew it its him

"Niall..." its like i meet someone that can understand my problem. Because im so depressed i cant help not to hug him

He hug me tightly trying to comfort me "im not going to say stop crying.. because that tears means all the pain from your heart..  just let it all out" he wiped the tears that falling from my eyes.

"I cant anymore i love her so so much niall it hurts me so bad"

I heard a car coming to our way and i saw danielle she called us and before i went to the car i saw pez looking at me and i just cried seeing her like that.

I cant help not cry im finally herw inside her car

"Jade its all fine its gonna be okay soon" danielle said

We all went to someone's house and i just followed them all.

The guard opened the gate

"Jade this is my house" danielle said

"Oh so why are we here?!" I asked

"Just going to get my bag you know i forgot" she said and i giggled

"Jade there's a dead bird" niall said and i looked at the sky and he smack my head

"You know jade i think you forgot your brain i said its a dead bird. How is that bird can able to fly?" Niall said and i face palmed ugh im so dumb

"Oh yea-"

"Comeon now guys" danielle said and we went back to the car

We just went to some other bar ugh i need to freakin get drunk i need this

"Lets get drunk!!" I said

After an hour im already feel so dizzy

"Come On jade lets go home now" niall said and i can see that he really care about me

"Jade please come on lets go home now" niall said

"Niall" i said and i kissed him and i giggled but he pushed me

"No jade what are you doing you're so drunk lets go home" he said

"Im sorry"i said and cried

" no no its fine please dont cry jade." He said

And we are now walking to the car and i saw the love of my life waiting for me

"My baby" i said quietly

"Jade... come on you need to go home" i heard the girl who hurt me

"No i dont know you who are you?!" I asked

"What are you doing here?!" Niall said to pez

"What?! She need to go home cant you see?!" She said

"She's going with me" niall said

"No she need to go with me! She need me" pez said but i just hugged niall

"Jade you are so hot what happened?" Niall said

"I told you she needs to go home!!" Pez said and i just felt that the sleepiness is over taking my body.

Until i smell the familiar cologne that hugging my body.


Im really really so sorry for the late update!.

My Virtual Girlfriend  (Jerrie)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin