- Chapter 86

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Finally an image of the current Seigo Harano appeared, standing calmly at the centre of the dojo .

'We were deceived! At that time, Seigo Harano was merely acting!! All his expressions, actions, and words were all a big lie!!!

'He wasn't even the slightest bit afraid of facing the entire karate club by himself; in fact, he was probably laughing inside when we brought the idea up!'

The twins were filled with anger and fear.

To normal people, this would definitely be impossible to overcome.

But Seigo Harano was no ordinary person—the twins believed they were already aware of that.

But they never realized their so-called "knowledge" of him... merely scraped the surface!!

They knew that he was a monster, a demon, but they couldn't have imagined that he was—and still is—something far beyond their pitiful imagination.

He must be laughing at them.

While he pretended to be an ordinary person conversing with us, he must have been laughing demonically underneath at that time!

And right now, beneath his calm exterior, beneath that tall and handsome shell of his, he must be laughing maniacally!!

'He must be looking down on us, filled with disdain for our ignorance...'

Seiji was indeed looking down at the twin sisters.

But that was only in the literal sense, since he was currently standing and they were seated.

He neither knew nor wanted to know what the twin sisters thought of him, or their reaction to his inhuman physical ability.

Seiji only wanted to obtain victory and give them a final chance to choose. He would observe if they kept their promise to change themselves and destroy all the blackmail material, or if they would go back on their word and desperately fight to the end.

He didn't realize that Rion and Kotomi currently viewed him as a tremendously evil, arrogant, haughty, and terrifying demon in human guise.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't have cared.

Seiji was doing all this for Hoshi's sake. As for how the twins viewed him, or how they ended up, did he need to care?

This was why he was so relaxed.

As for those behind him... they weren't so relaxed.

Chiaki, Mika, and Hoshi were also among the astonished.

Due to the first battle, they were somewhat prepared for Seiji's incredible fighting prowess, but personally witnessing seven male karate club members being dispatched at lightning speed, similar to the three girls from earlier, shocked them to the core of their souls.

So strong...

Seiji was actually this strong all along...

Our friend here... Is he actually a costumed superhero?

The three of them exchanged silent glances and came into unspoken agreement.

Hoshi was truly amazed. Senpai was stronger than he ever imagined. His worship of... no, his adulation towards Seiji increased even further.

Mika fell into deep thought; it seemed that the depraved otaku had transformed into a miraculous existence beyond her understanding.

Chiaki was seriously considering and guessing at just what type of powerful family the Harutas were!

They must have had several world-class powerful people in Seiji's family's history... Was Seiji's father actually the world champion of some martial arts technique? He was probably the type who won several world championships in succession!

All three of them remained silent, unable to stem the surge of thoughts which came flooding in.

This was just too much to accept!

Although Seiji kept telling them not to worry as he'd win without any problems... they never imagined this outcome!!

As the trio glanced at the opposition... they noticed that they were also in a state of stunned amazement !!!

Silence reigned over the dojo room.

If a person's mental state was reflected in reality, this room would definitely be the opposite of silent. It would be absolute chaos.

As the eye of the storm who was responsible for everyone's unstable mental state, Seiji was actually the calmest.

That was why he was the only one who could break the silence.

"We're still not going to begin the next round?" After waiting to the point of impatience, he looked at the judge, Kyosuke.

All Kyosuke did was look towards the twin sisters for direction.

He saw that they were still sitting there with ashen faces, neither moving nor blinking.

They seemed petrified.

'Hey, Harry Potter, zap them with a spell!' Seiji couldn't help but think this to himself.

"If you don't hurry up and send someone else... Why don't you two just come at me personally!? How about it!?" he shouted in a loud voice. The entire room of spectators heard him clearly.

"Answer me! Rion Amami, Kotomi Amami!"

The twins finally trembled as they regained their senses.

They lifted their heads and saw Seigo Harano across from them, staring at them with an apathetic expression.

It seemed as if there were a huge dark shadow behind his figure, on the verge of pouncing upon them ferociously and filled with condescension and taunting laughter!

This was only a hallucination caused by too much fear, but the twins viewed it as reality.

"Come, why don't we have a personal duel?" Seiji said while gesturing for them to attack him.

Rion and Kotomi were terrified to their cores.

"Monster... monster! Don't come over here!"

They began shrieking.

"Who will go defeat it!? Anyone is fine! Go! Everyone go at it!!"

"Everyone go! Defeat... kill this monster!!"

Everyone was shocked.

Kyosuke Akanishi was stunned.

The karate club members were stunned.

Chiaki, Mika, and Hoshi were stunned.

Seiji was the only one with a different expression: he frowned instead.

"You're now viewing me as a monster? And you want everyone to come at me and kill me?"

He stepped forward as his expression turned icy, and his gaze became even more distant.

"You can't even obey your own rules which you set yourself? You two... if that's all you have, then this is over."

He walked closer and closer to the twins.

They watched him approach with increasing terror, as if he were truly a demon.

"Even if everyone comes at me together, I'll defeat all of them. And then I'll completely, utterly destroy you for breaking your promise!"

His words were ice cold, with zero pity.

Seiji's words filled Rion and Kotomi's ears, sounding like a hellish curse.

The twin sisters were unable to resist or escape.


Rion and Kotomi broke down in front of their overwhelming terror.


They hugged each other tightly as if they were two young children and began crying.

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