As one of the biggest clubs in Genhana High School, the karate club was allocated a very large room which acted as its dojo. Exercise mats were placed over the floor, and an entire wall was filled with mirrors. Another wall was decorated with the club's goals and achievements over the years. There weren't any other decorations apart from that.

Many people were already sitting down, waiting inside.

On the left side of the room were Rion and Kotomi clad in their karate uniforms, as well as the other club members whom Kyosuke was already acquainted with. Seated on the right side were some students Kyosuke had never met before.

One of the boys stood out from his peers. He had a tall figure with a handsome face. He sat casually with his legs crossed and arms folded; even seated he emitted a sharp and imposing aura.

Facing off against Rion, Kotomi, and all the other karate club manners, his imposing manner didn't seem even slightly ruffled!

While the three students accompanying him were all handsome or beautiful in their own way, they were nothing compared to... hm?

Kyosuke observed the three students closely, and noticed that one person who he thought was a boy at first glance was actually a girl wearing the boys' uniform, while the person he thought was a girl actually happened to be a boy wearing a middle school boys' uniform?

Kyosuke was rendered speechless.

'What exactly was going on here!?'

The karate club captain wondered to himself if there was something wrong with his perception of gender.

It was easier to judge the tomboy's true gender even though she was wearing a male uniform, but as for the middle school "boy..." it was so difficult to tell his real gender!!

Wait a moment, this "boy's" appearance... Kyosuke recalled something and glanced over at Rion and Kotomi, before comparing their appearances to the "boy's."

They looked similar... He'd heard of the twins having a younger brother; could this person be the one?

And if he is, why was the twins' younger brother here, and why was he seated opposite them?

Kyosuke was plunged into a state of confusion.

But Rion and Kotomi looked over at him at this time, and he understood what they meant.

'I should get changed.' Kyosuke headed for the changing room.

Although he didn't know the identity of the other three students, the boy who had his arms folded was surely the legendary transfer student.

Seigo Harano... he definitely had an imposing manner to match his nickname. That was the first impression that the karate club captain received.

It took a few minutes for all the remaining karate club members to gather.

Seiji admitted to himself that he was quite impressed with Rion and Kotomi's ability to summon—or perhaps he should call it control—the entire karate club.

Right after they sent out the text messages, the entire karate club gathered here at lunch break, without a single member missing!

'These twins are basically the true leaders of the karate club...' Seiji felt a sliver of pity for the karate club captain.

According to Chiaki, the boy with the squarish face, thick eyebrows, and smallish eyes was the karate club captain named Kyosuke Akanishi. His facial features made him look like a main hero of an old-fashioned television drama.

Kyosuke Akanishi was also the strongest member of the karate club. In his previous year as a high school first-year student, he managed to reach all the way to the top 32 of nationals by himself!

"But since you can even knock out Tetsuo Sasaki, he should be a cinch for you to defeat."

Chiaki held little regard for even the president of the karate club.

"The problem is... you're actually going to take on seven people at the same time!? You're going one against seven in the karate club's dojo... This isn't a joke!! Seigo, just what are you thinking!?"

Chiaki's doubts were also shared by Mika and Hoshi. All three of them were worriedly looking towards Seiji.

One against seven; this was more like suicide than a joke.

Nevertheless, Seiji smiled back towards them.

"It's not a problem. I'll win."

"How could it possibly be not a problem!?" Chiaki seemed rather frustrated.

She really wanted to believe in Seiji, but one against seven seemed impossible!

The moment Seiji's opponents began their attack, Seiji would definitely be unable to block them all, so he'd be hit somewhere and get injured!!

Even if Seiji managed to grit his teeth and take a few blows while defeating seven people, the opponents had a total of forty-seven people. They could send six waves of seven people plus a few extra left over!!!

If it wasn't for the fact that this was Seiji, Chiaki would definitely have believed that whoever agreed to this proposal was an idiot!

But this was Seiji.

Seiji definitely was not an idiot; he must have a plan of his own.

But Chiaki had no idea what he was thinking.

At this moment, Chiaki felt like she empathized with Mika's feeling of "being unable to follow Seiji's thought process."

Chiaki wanted to believe in him, and she did, but... it was impossible to understand!

'Seiji, just what are you thinking? Could it be... you want to sacrifice yourself for this bet?'

Chiaki suddenly considered a frightening possibility.

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