Chapter 3 - Mr. Crazy

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Chapter 3 - Mr. Crazy

Louis's POV

I stared at the black colored abandoned car in confusion.  Who would want to just leave their car like this? It was left on the side of a road which was normally busy and full of traffic, not the kind of place to park a car. I noticed Dougie was intently staring at something. I followed his gaze and noticed a person far in the distance.

"Look. There's a person." Dougie exclaimed as he pointed at whoever they were. Everyone else now noticed this too and we all squinted to try and get a better look at this person. They were still to far away to really see well.

"Maybe they will know what's going on." Liam stated while he squinted to try and get a better look at the stranger.

As the person got closer, I noticed how funny he was walking. "Is he drunk?" I asked with a chuckle. The guy was stumbling all over the road. Oh did I mention he was walking in the middle of the road. As he got even closer I realized he was definitely a guy. He had a business suit on and looked to be in his mid thirties. I bet this was his car and he was coming back for it.

"Hey!" Harry Judd yelled. "Is this your car?" The man didn't respond just kept on stumbling towards us.

"Hello?" I yelled, confused as to why he wasn't answering us. "Are you deaf or something?" Something felt off about this guy. Why wasn't he responding? He was close enough to hear us.

He mumbled something, which to me sounded like a wild animal growling.  A ferious bear that's what I thought he sounded like.

"What is wrong with this guy?" I heard Dougie mumble.  He took the words right outta my mouth.

We were all staring at this weirdo in confusion. There was something wrong with him, that was for sure. He couldn't even walk right. He was either completely wasted or just completely nuts. As he continued to get closer, I noticed his skin was a sickly pale color and his eyes were glazed over. He had a lifeless gleam in his grey colored orbs, I've actually never seen someone with the color of eyes he had.

Those strange eyes of his held my gaze and he let out another deep growl from the back of his throat. I stood frozen in fear along my with my eight other friends. What the hell was wrong with this guy? Before I knew what was going to happen next he charged at me, stumbling forward at a quick pace which I didn't see coming. He crashed into me and I slid onto the pavement with him on top of me, still growling and now starting to drool at the mouth. I felt some of his saliva hit me on my cheek as I struggled to get out of his grip. I was too stunned to be able to scream or make any noise.  I could feel the skin on my arms buring from grinding on the pavement.

I could faintly hear everyone else yelling and shouting things which I couldn't make out. Everything was sort of a blur. He flashed his teeth at me and made several attempts at biting my face. I managed to just merely miss the grasp of his jaw each time. Finally after what felt like an eternity of struggling under this bastards grip, I felt him being heaved off of me.

I backed away still sitting on the ground in somewhat of a crab-like crawl. I was shaking so much I didn't trust my legs to hold me up. I noticed the two bulky McFly lads, Harry and Danny, plus Liam held the bitey stranger away from everyone. I felt hands grasp my own scraped arms and pull me up. Harry and Dougie both had a tight grip on me while I stood on my shaky feet. They both wrapped an arm around me and helped me stand still.

This all probably happened in a matter of seconds, no longer than a minute, but in my mind it all seemed to drag out in slow motion. I really didn't know what to say or do, for once in my life I was at a loss of words. I had never been so frightened.  It's not everyday that a man tackles you to the ground and then tries to bit at your face.

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