Chapter 2 - Strange Day

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Chapter 2 - Strange Day

Dougie's POV

We didn't even have time to react to the radio broadcast before it was abruptly shut off because of the power going out.  We now stood in nothing but total blackness.  I couldn't even see my hand when I held it out in front of my face.

"Guys?"  A voice echoed through the darkness.  A voice I recognized as Harry Styles.

A chorus of 'yeahs' followed.  "Let's get out of here.  I can't see anything."

We all stumbled into each other as we made our way towards the door.  I couldn't believe no one had thought to do this yet.  I pulled out my cellphone and used the flashlight app I had.  It gave enough light to see what was in right in front of me.

All nine of us piled into the recording room, which was also pitch black, but at this point everyone had their phones out which created enough light so we could faintly see.

"Soooo...."  I uttered, unsure of what we were supposed to do now.

We all just stood there for a moment.  No one really knew what to do.  I mean what the fuck was happening, I know I had absolutely no idea.

"I say since, there's no power we go back to the hotel."  My closet mate Harry Judd declared since no one else was speaking up with any ideas.

"Do you think we should go outside though?"  Niall chimed in.

"Yeah the telly and radio both said to stay indoors."  Liam added.

"Yeah but we can't just stay here."  Harry argued.  "I say we go back to the hotel where we can get phone service and see what everyone is saying about all this."

I nodded my head in agreement.  All the talk about some virus was probably just people over reacting to some new disease that has surfaced . And maybe the wind or some weather related issue knocked the TV's and radio out.  I was sure there was some reasonable explanation for all of this.  At least I tried to keep telling myself these things because the truth was at the pit of my stomach there was a intense feeling of fear, like instead of butterflies fluttering around there was a herd of rhinoceros charging each other.  I swallowed the lump in my throat and did my best to revert my thoughts to positive ones.

"Alright.  You guys ready?" Danny asked as he had his hand placed on the doorknob.  I felt like we were entering a war zone rather than simply just stepping outside.  He was met again with a bunch of 'yeahs'.  Although this time everyone sounded more nervous.

He pushed the door open.  Bright light poured into the room.  Since my eyes were so used to the darkness I had to squint to see.  We all stepped out to a beautiful sunny LA afternoon.  My nerves relaxed instantly. The sky was bright blue and there was a slight breeze.  Everything looked completely normal.  The studio we had been in was near the beach, off a unpopulated road which was lined with palm trees.  The only other building on the street was a service station.

There wasn't anyone else out.  Which wasn't unusual for where we were at.  I checked my phone once again to see if I would get service out here.  Still nothing.  I held my phone up above my head. Still nothing.  I noticed everyone else doing the same thing as I.  From watching the confusion and frowns on their faces I could tell no one had any luck.

"I guess we're walking back to the hotel." Liam stated.  The studio was only a couple miles away, but I wasn't really a fan of exercise in general.  Even though I just sucked it up and followed everyone else.  I walked behind everyone with Tom.

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