The next morning I am woken by my fathers messenger and told he wishes to see me. Even after everything they told me last night of the war I have decided that I could not run from those I promised to help. Once I enter I tell him as much and he stands fully shocked but happy. He rounds his desk and catches me up in a great hug.

"I am so glad you have found your way to us." He releases me and goes back to his desk and begins writing a letter. "I must write to the elders so they know the good news and can begin preparing for this war."

Suddenly we hear the earth rumble and the clatter of armor. Fathers pen freezes over the paper and we all look to the flap of the tent. A man runs in out of breath and panicked. "Sir, its knights, they're everywhere! Valtok is leading them." Father stands at once rolling up the letter.

"Take this to Elder Fikilise, he'll know what to do." The man takes it and runs back out. We begin to hear the screams as the knights reach the camp around us. "You must go, now." He grabs my arms and shoves me towards the back of the tent where he had cut a hole last time.

"No! Tie me up, give me to them." I resist his shoving.

"What? That's ridiculous who knows what they'll do to you!"

"Your right, I don't know what they'll do to me, but I know what they'll do to you. Either way, they will have to take me back to the castle and that's exactly where I want to go, they will walk me through the front door and I'll kill the king." I can see it on his face, this is the best plan we have but he doesn't want me to go.

"I don't want to just hand you over to them, not again."

"I know, father, but it's my choice this time." He sighs letting me go in the same breath.

"Get me some rope." A boy digs through a chest and hands him some. "Good, now go bring Valtok here." I turn around and hold my hands behind my back for him to tie up. Once my hands are secure they guide me over to a chair and tie me to it.

"Hit me," I say thinking of how it'll look if I'm undamaged but tied down. He looks at me shocked. "Don't say no, think about it, they'll believe it more if it looks like you have been interrogating me." He shakes his head.

"No! Out of the question!"

"Get Wolkif in here." I snap at the boy, he runs. A few seconds later a bloody Wolkif crashes in. "Hit me." I snap at him. He takes two steps in before father stops him with a punch in the face. "Father!" I snap when Wolkif hits the floor.

"I will not let anyone harm my daughter!" He yells back.

"We don't have time for this. Leave if you must but someone has to hit me." Wolkif stands quickly and makes his way over to me before my father can stop him. He punches my jaw hard enough to make me taste blood. "One more, cheek." He does as I say and punches me again, tears fill my eyes but I blink them away. "My dress, rip it." Wolkif looks unsure for a moment then grabs the hem and tears it to my knee then rips my bodice and a sleeve, "thank you." Before anyone can say anything the tent flap opens and Valtok strolls in. Every fiber of my being rebelled against being tied down around him.

"Let her go!" He draws his sword and banishes at my father.

"I need some assurance you won't kill every last member of my clan," Father says playing along.

"You are in no position to bargain for anything," Valtok growls.

"From where I'm standing I'm in the best position for it possible." Suddenly I see how good of a liar my father is for a moment and I almost doubt the things he has told me. Then I remember the books I've read and the things the spirits have said making my doubts leave me just as quickly as they came. Valtok doesn't budge so my father nods at Wolkif who pulls his knife and presses it against my neck. I feel the blade split the skin slightly and blood slides slowly down my throat.

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