Not a Liar

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Chapter 5 Not a Liar

He's still calling me princess.

Maybe I need to kick his ass again, I mean it is fun telling him every time I see him. I lay on my back with my legs crisscrossed on the side of a crate eating an apple in my storage room waiting for Valtok to show up because he's late today oddly, he's never been late before. Even odder I'm waiting for him and a little worried. The door finally opens and Valtok storms in. "Hey you-"

"Get your ass up!" He snaps harshly and I do slowly waiting for an explanation watching him pace and run his fingers through his hair roughly. "Did you know?" He stops to ask only confusing me more then starts pacing again but watching me.

"Know what?" He grunts angrily and continues to stomp around.

"Did you know about the bodies showing up in every village with that disgusting murders mark carved into their skin?" He screams at me effectively scaring me, then his words register and terror spikes though my veins. Oh god, he's killing innocent people because of me.

"No! Of course I didn't! How could you think that?" I snap back frustrated at his accusation, doesn't he trust me?

"Because the most recent body was found with this." He spits at me and throws a piece of wadded up paper at my face. I pick it up off the floor where it fell after I let it smack into my cheek and unfold it to find the Carvers messy handwriting I use to know so well.

TO my little princess, from the big bad wolf.

Don't forget my promise. I know I wont, I mean it was the best kiss you'll ever have.

I cover my mouth with my hand as disgust rolls around in my stomach. Why would he leave this for them to find? Isn't following me around torture enough for the both of us? "I didn't know about the bodies, you have to believe me!" He just shakes his head, I want to crumple up this note too, my fingers itch with the need to.

"I don't have to believe a word out of your mouth, god how do you even know the Carver? Why is he talking about kissing you?" He yells at me sounding more jealous then anything else.

"It was a long time ago ok, I was a child and he took advantage of that." I lie again, he didn't take advantage of me. But it was a long time ago and I was just a child.

"What did he do to you?" I want to roll my eyes at his new concern laced disgust, he would never look at me again if he knew the truth.

"Nothing! It was just a kiss." Lie.

"Did you know who he was?" He goes straight back to accusing me.

"No." Lie.

"Did you love him?" This question hurts the most. I use to ask myself this all the time when I thought I knew what love was.

"No." I don't miss a beat. Lie. "Please, Valtok, I didn't know about the bodies." Each lie rips though me because I wish I didn't know the truth. He looks at me skeptically still.

"Fine, but I have to show your father this." He takes the note and I let him even though I want to rip it out of his hand and keep it to myself, he remembered what I use to call him. "we're not going to be able to practice today, I'm sorry princess." I nod. He touches my cheek brushing his thumb against my skin then turns and marches out leaving my cheek tingling. I take a breath finally able to breath the dusty air of the storage room that smells like old sweat and wood. Why didn't he believe me when I was telling the truth? I didn't kill those people I certainly didn't know they were dead, maybe he doesn't care for me at all.

"He only whats you for what you've got under your skirts, well in your breeches that is today." I don't even jump as The Carvers voice slides over me. I think I'm starting to just expect him now.

"Please not tonight." He circles around me dragging his hand along my body after him. Where his fingers touch my skin warm up under the contact leaving a blazing trail after his fingertips.

"Hmm is that another lie? Oh no it cant be you don't lie to me, just to everyone else." I bark out a sarcastic laugh fighting though my confusion at my own feelings.

"Thats funny, it sounds like you think you still know me. I love to break it to you but you don't, you never did." I smack his arm away and stride out of the room. Lie

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