"Whats that?" I ask setting the book down beside my boots and the sword.

    "Where were you? My men have been looking all over for you!" He stands up angrily demanding an answer from me.

    "I was in the library. Your men probably forgot about it, again." I say carelessly having my own flashes of his face behind slits in a helm, his hair fanning out under it. Guess he likes it long at some point. I remember the remorse in his eyes but I remember the burn of the purple fire he lit and didn't put out better.

    "What are you talking about?" He crosses his arms trying to deny his knowledge of the attack he ordered and executed.

    "Don't play the innocent king with me I know you remember the massacre you ordered here, good thing you didn't burn the books. Bad you didn't take their memories." His eyes dart to the sword then back at me and I watch as it clicks behind his eyes. He drops the cloak and then drops to his knees before me in true respect and humbled pride.

    "It was not my order! You have to believe me. I never wanted to do that, not here, not to those good people." I laugh.

    "I don't have to believe a word out of your mouth, if it wasn't your order whose was it, King?" I let the words fall from my mouth with disappointment. He looks up with all the regret he has ever felt, throughout his life. I know he doesn't see his daughter standing before him any longer but all of the souls that once haunted him here.

    "The Fae council thought they were too powerful, that they threatened the balance of magic. They didn't understand that they threatened nothing. But if I disobeyed the council I would have died with them." I look down at him.

    "You should have died for them, not with them." He hangs his head like a man truly defeated.

    "I was not ready to die for anyone like I am now, I understand my mistake and I will never make it again. I will never ask for forgiveness, I do not deserve it, but I am asking for you to understand what I did." I think for a moment realizing why I still feel peace here, the souls of the people who died have made peace with what happened, they have forgiven him. My anger disappears as quickly as it came getting replaced with forgiveness.

    "I understand, and I forgive you because you do deserve it. Forgiveness is harder to do  than hatred, forgive yourself, they have forgiven you already." He smiles and I hold out a hand helping him up. He picks up the cloak and hands it to me.

    At my questioning gaze he explains, "It was your mothers. I thought you would like something from her, and a warm cloak since its almost winter." A smile lifts the conner of his lips but he doesn't meet my eyes looking instead at the bundle in my hands then lets himself out. Looking over the dark blue thick fabric I find silver threads sown into the cloak and a few embroidered stars. The fabric is soft but heavy enough it could keep me warm for a long time. I put the blanket back down on the bed and put the cloak on feeling warmer already. I pick up my book and lay down in bed deciding to rest for the night.

    When no one brings me food again and I get hungry I go looking for someone. Wondering the halls I wait to run into someone and hope they help me but instead I'm left finding no one and just start going into random rooms. I burst in on my father talking with another group of people this time a few incredibly tall powerful women stand with them. They all look at me when the door opens and I see the little man with a red beard again because he laughs loudly.

    "Theres the wee lass, I was wondering when you would barge in again." He winks and I smile at him.

    "Sorry, I didn't mean to this time, just looking for a kitchen or some food." They all laugh this time. "Well, I'll be off now, continue with your super secret meeting." I say jokingly and wink back at the little man. I let myself out. Before I can wonder more Wolkif finds me.

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