Chapter 1b: Regretful Disapproval Of My Self Image

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"Hey Leafy?" Icy proceeded to shove a fork-ful of lava cake into her mouth. "Why do you like to do during your free time? Your talent doesn't really give away what you do, unless your hobby is like, winning the lottery a bazillion of times."

"Far from that actually," I corrected. "Hm, I guess I like to bake! I'm pretty well-known for my strawberry cake in my neighborhood. I bake large portions of cake so I could give some to everyone!"

"That's kinda dumb," Icy pointed out. "Spending so much money on so much ingredients all to give it for fre-"

"No no no I sell it! Almost like a lemonade stand but with cake! Only $5 a slice! A bargain for my world-famous cake!"

Icy lets out a small chuckle, licking a chocolate-covered fork clean. "Neighborhood-famous would be more fitting. A cake that is deserving of being famous is Firey's lava cake. How could a cake be so good?"

"Hey! My cake is probably better!"  I let out a huff of air, pouting my checks in a childish manner.

"Hey, If you're gonna make one of your so-called "world-famous" cakes, can I help?  I don't have much experience cooking or baking or anything, but it'll be fun to learn."

"Of course! Help would be greatly appreciated!"

Firey took the spot-clean dishes off the messy table, covered in food crumbs and unrecognizable stains. GB thanked Firey as he headed towards the kitchen, his hands full of plates.  GB took a deep breath, resting her elbows on the table. "So...I hate to break the mood, but I feel like we should talk more about what we found..."

"Ooh ooh!" Pen waved his hands in the air, jumping in his seat. "Me and Eraser found a weight room!! There's weights and those cool machines!"

"Not like that was obvious enough."  Eraser chuckled at Pen's antics, patting his capped head.

"A weight else?"

"There were some dormitories," Pencil shared. "I believe that's where we'll be sleeping in."

We continued to talk more about things we found until GB excused us all.

"I don't see what the point in all that was," Icy huffed as we walked out cafeteria.

"It was probably so we could know more about this school. It's best we get to know it to help us leave. Anyway, I say we get to know the places we discussed about more."

Icy gave me a stare implying her boredom.  She sighed before giving in.  "Ok, sure."

Although there wasn't anything of use in most areas, it was fun to hang out with Icy and other people we ran into.  I dragged Icy to the weight room, the last place we have yet to visit.

"Oh!  Leafy, Icy!  Heyo!" Pen tipped his blue baseball cap, bowing slightly. "Come check out all this cool stuff out!! I'm gonna be buff in no time!" Pen continued to run his hands along the machines, his eyes fascinated.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't know how any of these machines work.

Pen ran over to a simple looking machine with a leather seat and a horizontal bar on the top.  "What's this?"

"That's a lat pulldown.  Come, lemme show you how to use it."  Eraser patted on the leather seat below the bar, Pen immediately responding by sitting down.  Eraser grabbed the key (I dunno what the things are called, but y'know that long metal stick you use to change the weights?  It's that thing) and inserted it into the second weight that read "20".  He grabbed the bar and pulled it down to Pen, who immediately held onto it.  "Extend your arms up."  Pen did as he was told, putting his arms up while still grabbing onto the metal bar.  "Now bring your arms down until the bar touches your chest."  He did as he was told once more.  "Good.  Is it too light?"

"Yeah, kinda," Pen responded, repeating the process of extending his arms and bringing them to his chest. He let go of the handle bar as Eraser changed the weight.

"Sorry if this is too boring for you ladies," Eraser apologized.

"Yeah, it is bo-"

"Uhh, wasn't boring!" I let out a forceful smile as Icy took my hand off her mouth.

"I don't think there's really anything to explore here," Icy gave me a glare before turning her attention to Eraser. "Anyway, me and Leafy are gonna go now. I don't really think there's anything to explore here except weird machines." Icy dragged me out the weight room, waving lazily at the two boys. "Hey Leafy?" Icy asked, closing the doors to the weight room.


"I hope they fuck in there."

"Yeah whatev- wait what?"

Icy put a finger to my mouth. "Shut up. Anyway, we haven't explored the dorms yet, right?"

"Yeah, we haven't.."

Icy took hold of my hand and dragged us to the dorms. She stopped in front of a dorm with a pixelated picture of myself on the front. She opened the door, a nice and clean sight stood in front of us. Icy ran over to a table near the big king-sized and picked up something. "Here." She gave me a small key that had 'Leafy's dorm key' engraved onto it. "I'm gonna go to my own dorm and explore a bit. Go to it if you want anything." Icy gave me a small smile before heading over to the door. She waved at me before exiting.

I guess I can explore my room a bit more....and maybe hang out with someone?

"But who?"



So, it's free time! You can pick anyone you'd like for Leafy to have free time with!!

The three most commented people will be chosen, so please comment I'm begging you.


Also sorry for not posting for a long time. I was lazy and also school. But school's almost over so I might be able to post more chapters more often!!! Yeyy!!!

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