This is going to be a fun shoot, I tell yah that.


She refused to look sexy, reduce her clothing or wear something revealing. Nun, I tell you, NUN! What a shame? But I don't know, I would've strangled the bitch who dared check her out. Calling that a maternal instinct.

I kept on cooing at her to come over but she would stubbornly shake her head. The girls were just literally purring while touching my torso and I tried to hide my grimacing and plastered a fake smile. She ended up coming over, to my victory and satisfaction only to throw me in the pool. Female dog!

I bet mum and dad and their colleagues would laugh at that, hopefully they'll deduct points on her but in a way I don't want them too. She was the only decent girl in the batch. Heck, flip the others and their beauty her innocent chastity, was a big turn on. I was getting horny waves.

She giggled as she made her way to the bench and out of everyone, safely protected underneath the shade sitting merrily and talking to the old camera guy. She kept shooing him off at first claiming he was too close then average, but I flapped that off. He was a nice guy, teeth as bright as shining yellow stars. A bristly beard which probably held sausages or what not. Ear wax like cobwebs in his ears, and a few prickly nose hairs.

She laughed as he told her something. He joined in sync to, harmonically. He slapped her thighs heavily as he bellowed down. And I came to one conclusion; I had left my poor little mermaid in the hands of a pedophile.

I walked over to them hastily, thinking if different ways to feed him his bulls, in a curry? Preferably pie? Such a dilemma, I grabbed her arm and yanked her with me.

"Get your filthy arms of me, you ogre" she shouted and I gasped in horror.

"How do I look like one of those green ugly monsters! Please, I look like a buff model, Prince Charming in that film yeah, that's me! And your Fiona" he says.

"Then who is SHREK? Hmm, I guess it's Jake" she says and I looked at her innocent impassive face. It looked rather constipated as if she was stifling something.

"Do you have gas?" I ask and she glares at me. Well, learn manners etiquettes are the main shit. "And why did you wanna no about jake? He's got a 3 inch wang I swear" I say trying to make him sound revolting.

"I don't care what length his penis is!" She cries.

"Well my one is like 3 metres long, but it may not sound believable but trust me its like a telescope I can fold it back in-" I say convincingly and she barks with laughter.

"You sound like those guys, that strip Barbie dolls and get horny over them" she says giggling.

"You sound like those girls who watch Chinese porn or sometimes a kick of Russian" he says an I watch her face snap in it a twinge if utter disgust and flush.

"Yeah well I have a date tonight" she says as if knowing that peeves me off, god knows why!

"Your not going" I state.

"Who are you my father?" She questions incredulously and defiantly.

"No, I may be your future hubby and your forbidden to go because . . . It's late and you might-um you might get *scratches chin* Aha! Get raped! Mm hmm and I will protect you" I say like a saviour as I lift her over my shoulders and ignore her pounding and howling.

"I hate you" she screams.

"Glad were on the same page" I shout back childishly.

"I will never marry such a narcissist pig" she shoots back.

"Vice versa" I say nonchalantly. I earned a smack on my head for that one.

"I can't even stand being next to you, i die in disgust" she spits back venomously.

"Ergo why your alive, breathing down fire and over my shoulder?" I say smartly.

"You annoy me so much! I'm going to be bald! My hairs falling" she screams.

"Hence the reason why you have a head of your glitzy hair!" I scream back.

"I dislike you with all my heart" she squeals.

"Feelings mutual" I whine back.

"I can never even imagine me ever being your girl friend, even if you was the last person on earth" she retorts.

"You think of me! How sweet, I wouldn't even wanna be your boyfriend" I say earning a pinch of my ear.


I laughed hysterically as did my companions as we watched Arial and Adrian bicker relentlessly like a married couple. My boy was always the chick magnet these may be real tough on his poor sweet ego.

"That's the cutest thing, what they haven't realised that that was all sexual tension! They don't even realise they're lying to each other, you can see the chemistry forming" my husband pipes while others chuckle in agreement and adoration.

"I hope Arial is safe, I mean actually protected from those mafias" I say, as sadness ate me up. As long as she is, It won't effect what would happen.



And depending on how many I get would, reflect on when I update and if I do:)

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