my manager nodded. "seems like it."

"is cha eunwoo here? is that why his fangirls are going crazy?" i asked.

"seems like it."

i rolled my eyes. "okay, seems like it."

we made our way upstairs, with a lady in a tight pencil skirt leading us up the elevator. we entered one of the hospital rooms, and i was surprised that there were so many cameras around. i guess they gotta get every angle.

my palms got sweaty seeing how many cameras and equipment there was in the room, too.

then, my eyes landed on cha eunwoo, the star of this show. looking at him, it's hard to wonder what his flaws are. it really seems like he has absolutely NONE. he glows, like an angel.

it looked like eunwoo was filming a scene with an older man laying on the hospital bed. he was sitting next to him, holding his hands and crying softly.

even though i knew it was just acting, i teared up. it felt and looked really real. i could even feel a little pain in my fragile heart.

"dad, please wake up." eunwoo cried.

even when he cried he was still handsome. but handsomeness is just handsomeness. what really matters is what kind of person he is.

and oh boy, he really is a snake.

"okay, cut." the director said.

eunwoo immediately wiped away his tears, his face going back to his blank-normal-state. "my throat is dry. give me some water."

i rolled my eyes at his diva-ness.

i crossed my arms, watching as a young lady quickly walked over with two glasses of water, one for eunwoo and the older man.

i cringed when she tripped over a wire from one of the lighting equipment.

but even worse, she spilled the two glasses of water—right on cha eunwoo.

and ohhhh no. the diva has been awakened.

and he looks pissed.

"yah. BE MORE CAREFUL, WILL YOU??" he roared. "tsk. now i have to change. this is why i don't have lowly interns do things for me. fire her."

my jaw dropped. bitch you ain't serious right??

the staff rushed over to eunwoo, patting him down with towels and re-doing his makeup. but the intern was still on the ground, left unattended and ignored.

i frowned and walked over, but my manager stopped me.

"yah, eunbi don't get involved and get on their bad side." he warned.

i rolled my eyes. "then are we just gonna watch?" i shook my head and continued walking towards the intern. i crouched down to her eye level.

"are you hurt?" i asked.

she looked up with teary eyes, and shook her head. "i-i'm fine."

"then can you get up?" i asked.

she hesitated. "my ankle...kind of hurts." she whispered, so no one else could hear.

i frowned. "good thing we're in a hospital then. let's get you healed, don't worry."

she smiled slightly and nodded and i stood up, staring at the staff who was still busying booty-kissing eunwoo.

"hey." i said with a serious tone. "one of your employees just got injured, and you're worrying about the person who merely only got water poured on him? are you kidding me?"

"yah, eunbi." my manager warned again on the sidelines.

"she can fix it herself." one of the staff said.

"shut up, let me handle this." eunwoo said, pushing the staff and makeup-artists away from him. "who are you even anyways?"

"it doesn't matter who i am. just apologize to this girl and get her to a doctor. she twisted her ankle." i said, my voice softening a little.

eunwoo raised his eyebrow and smirked. "and if i don't want to?"

i rolled my eyes. "what are you, five years old??"

"no. but she should be more careful, anyways. i'm the one acting. i'm the one making her career."

i scoffed. "do you really think the world revolves around you??" i shook my head, helping the poor girl up and exiting the room.

INSECURE. cha eunwoo Where stories live. Discover now